#12 Storm

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"What do you think, why did Itachi hurt him?" Naruto's question was the first thing Jiraiya heard when he regained his consciousness.

"He needed to make it believable." The sannin whispered as he tried to sit up.

"Jiraiya! Calm down, you suffered from major chakra loss. Take it slow." Tsunade called out, pressing him back down into the cushions.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked, as Jiraiya stopped resisting Tsunade.

"Doesn't matter now, we need to evacuate the village! Pain will attack today!" Jiraiya exclaimed, as he came fully to his senses. Tsunade and Naruto were immediately alarmed, as the Hokage held up her hand and an Anbu appeared out of nowhere.

"Sent Anbu to get me every Jonin, currently in the village. Meet in front of this hotel in five minutes." She ordered, earning a nod from the Anbu as he disappeared.

"Get your old team together, stay after the orders. Jiraiya, make sure that the shelter is secure, I will send you the chunins to help." She gave further orders to the two shinobi in the room. Naruto immediately disappeared while Jiraiya slowly got up and tried moving around, before disappearing too.

"Temari, get up! Code Red!" Naruto called out as he stormed through the door of their appartement. Temari walked out of their bedroom, a sleepy look on her face, before she processed Naruto's words. She quickly ran back into their room as Naruto ran out again making his way to Shikamaru and the others.

"Good morning everyone. We have credible intel that there will be an attack on the village within this day. Every Jonin-sensei is to gather their team and guide every civilian to the shelter. Every other Jonin will man the wall and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. If you see anything, shoot an explosive Kunai into the sky. The Anbu will be on stand-by and will react to this signal. Now go and may the Will of Fire burn bright in you all." Tsunade spoke, her voice amplified by chakra. As the Jonin fanned out, she walked to Naruto and his team, looking at her with worried eyes.

"Dog, get every Chunin to the shelter, they are to follow Jiraiya's orders. Shizune go to Jirayia and help him where you can." The Anbu wearing a dog mask nodded, disappearing again.

"Alright, Naruto I need you to make a lot of shadow clones. I want them to fan out around Konoha and stall Pain, at the very least we can get some information that way. The other four of you will stay with me." She ordered, causing Naruto to place his hands in the familiar cross shape.

A giant cloud of smoke appeared and dozens of Narutos could be seen running out of it towards the walls of Konoha. The real Naruto went down to one knee, panting. He nodded, signalling that Tsunade's orders were being followed. The Hokage smiled back and then jumped towards the wall, Temari, Ino, Choji and Shikamaru following her, although Temari stole a worried glance at her fiance who was still kneeling in front of the hospital, looking for a food pill in his pockets. Before he got up and followed Tsunade.

Painting several seals around the walls of Konohagakure's shelter was not a hard task. That is what Jiraiya had thought when he had proposed the massive sealing array to the third Hokage to hide this place. He probably should have checked if they had done it properly since he was still fixing small mistakes in the seals when the first groups of civilians arrived. Looking around he saw a group of fifty people stand around, fear evident in their eyes. Sighing, the sannin smiled at them as Shizune directed them to one of the free rooms, where they sat down on the benches provided and waited anxiously, looking to the door with worry every time a new group of refugees arrived.

Standing on top of the primary gate Tsunade looked over the village, it's streets empty and almost no noise being made. Naruto knelt beside her, waiting for his clones to report back to him, while the rest of the former team 10 had their eyes trained on the forest path stretching out into the woods from their location.

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