#29 I am yours

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"Do you know where we are going?" Gaara asked, as Kurenai and Kakashi linked up with him and his brother.

"Well, we will go to Tsunade's office and pick her up as well as Sarutobi, but I don't know where Naruto and Temari will lead us after that." Kurenai answered, as the four started on their way through the village towards the Hokage's office.

"Are you ready?" Naruto's voice rang out through their apartment, bringing Temari out of her thoughts as to what their families were thinking at the moment.

"Give me a moment." She replied, quickly putting on a small genjutsu, that hid her clothes.

Stepping out, she smiled seeing her soon-to-be husband, looking at her with sparkling eyes, a black suit in place of his usual attire.

"Hello handsome." She whispered, placing a light kiss on his lips.

"We will have enough time for that later." Naruto whispered, as Temari's lips wandered to his neck. The girl could feel his breath picking up despite his words, but decided to restrain herself, giving Naruto one last peck, before smiling innocently at her fiance.

"I don't know what you mean." She stated. Naruto cleared his throat, fixing his tie again, a small smile on his lips as he took Temari's hand and led the pair out into the village, towards their unsuspecting families.

"Hi Tsunade, Sarutobi." Kakashi greeted as the group entered the large office.

"Hi guys." Tsunade replied, a small smile ever present on her lips.

"How have you been?" Kurenai asked, looking around and not seeing Naruto or Temari.

"I've been alright, I guess. I had today to look forward to." Tsunade stated, the smile never leaving her face.

"What do you know, that we don't." Gaara asked, not feeling comfortable with being left out of something.

"That we will not go to a restaurant." They heard from behind them. Turning around they saw Naruto standing there, a grin on his face.

"What do you mean?" Kankuro asked, looking at the fancy suit Naruto had picked out.

"Trust me, you will be happy with our change of plans." The blonde boy replied.

"Where is Temari?" Kurenai asked, as she worried about what her surrogate son had planned for the day.

"She is waiting outside. Actually Gaara, I think you should go and check up on her." Naruto stated with a wink. The redhead looked at him with confusion in his eyes, before he slowly made his way outside.

"Alright, tell us what is going on?" Kurenai demanded, after Naruto stepped up next to Tsunade.

"Well, I think we have tortured you long enough. Almost as long as Temari and I have waited to do this. I am sure you all remember how Temari came into the village. Let's just say that we will finally fulfill that promise we gave each other not just one but actually three times since then." Naruto replied, his smile widening as Kurenai's mouth dropped, Kakashi's eyes widened and Kankuro clasped his hands in front of his mouth.

"Gaara, help me out here." Temari called out as her brother came out of the office.

Turning around the newly appointed Kazekage, was stunned for a second looking at his sister. Temari had her hair still in her signature four pigtails, but her dress was what captured Gaara's eye. Instead of her usual shinobi clothes Temari wore a tight fitting white dress with yellow accents and a hint of black on the lower rim.

A small wave of the flowers she was holding out to him brought him out of his thoughts, as he suddenly realized that she was wearing a wedding dress. His eyes widened as he took a step back.

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