#26 Power

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"Shukaku, you stupid moron. Why haven't you given Gaara access to your powers?" Kurama screamed, angry at his brother.

"Kurama calm down!" Naruto ordered, his voice strong and decisive.

"Gaara, we have two possibilities now. The first would be to open the seal and have Shukaku take over. The second would be to partially open the seal and give you more access to his power, although you would not really be that much better, since you can only control so much power without proper training. It depends on you and how much you trust Shukaku."

"I would be for the first option to be honest, we need every bit of power we can get, and if my little brother tries anything Naruto and I will be able to get him under control." Kurama stated, a suspicious look shooting at the tanuki.

"I would never do anything like that. I promise." Shukaku pledged, his voice sounding sincere but Gaara still looked at him with worried eyes.

"Are you sure that you can stop him afterwards?" He asked, looking at Naruto.

"Yes." Naruto affirmed, a reassuring smile on his face.

"Alright." The redhead sighed before his fingers began to glow. Placing them on his stomach, he twisted a bit and Naruto could see how Shukaku's collar began fading away.

"See you after the fight." Naruto said, nodding to his friend, as he closed his eyes.

"You should really pay more attention. We can't lose you in the action." Was the first thing Kakashi heard after he recovered from the impact. He wasn't really sure what had happened, but when he looked around he saw Killer B standing over him, his skin covered in lightning.

"Thanks. Again." The grey haired man breathed out, as he realised what had happened.

The tall man only nodded, a small smile on his lips as tentacles exploded out of his back. Scrambling back, Kakashi realized what was happening and knew that he would not be of much help in the coming confrontation, his skills being easily overpowered by both combatants.

"Oh Kakashi, don't scare me like that again." Kurenai stated when she saw her husband coming towards her.

"I'm sorry, I just lost focus there for a second." He replied.

"We can't really help here, can we?" The genjutsu specialist asked, as she looked through her pockets.

"Doesn't seem like it. How is everyone else holding up?" Kakashi asked back, looking over the battlefield.

"I think there are only a few fights left. The reserves are helping Onoki against Zetsu, Mikoto's squad has split up, Yamato helping Asuma, Mikoto helping Tsunade and the rest helping Onoki as well. I think that the fight against Orochimaru is almost done as well, but I don't really know. Sasuke seems to have trouble against the red masked woman, although they are already being reinforced by A and Mei's group." Kurenai quickly summarised.

"What about Naruto?" Kakashi asked, not seeing his surrogate son anywhere.

"I don't know, I saw him fighting against the other susanoo, but I don't know how they are doing." Kurenai stated, worry evident in her voice, as well as in her husband's eyes.

Then a giant wave of chakra flooded the battlefield.

"Tsunade. There is nothing you can do! We need you here." Mikoto shouted, as Itachi parried another strike from Orochimaru's Kusanagi. The blonde Hokage didn't react to her voice, only kneeling next to her white haired teammate, her body shaking.

Trying anew the Uchiha matriarch channeled chakra through her blade, jumping at the rogue sannin in front of her. However, she was blocked again by the personal summon of the man, king snake Manda. Itachi meanwhile was trying to hold on against the onslaught of Orochimaru's sword. He hated to admit it, but the sannin was better than him with a blade and didn't give him any chance to switch up their fight, as the Uchiha had to constantly block another sword thrust. When Mikoto had somehow managed to slip past Manda,Itachi used the small pause to take a deep breath. He knew what he had to do, but it didn't make it any easier. Closing his eyes he felt the blood flow from them as he pushed chakra into them.

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