#10 Calm

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"Again, thank you very much for helping. I don't know what we would have done if I had lost my children." Rasa said, addressing the group of Konoha shinobi standing in front of him.

"We would do it again." Temari replied, smiling at her father. She knew that he had been mostly speaking to the other reinforcements but also knew that they came mostly because of her and Naruto.

"Make sure you give Tsunade my reply and have a good voyage." The Kazekage stated, a smile on his face as he enveloped both his daughter and her fiance in a hug.

Saying their goodbyes to Gaara and Kankuro, Naruto and Temari smiled walking into the desert, linking up with the other shinobi.

"Tsunade, I have another message from Kakashi." Shizune said as she came into the office while the Hokage was reading through some other documents.

Looking up she smiled at her assistant and took the scroll presented to her. Quickly breaking the seal she smiled as her eyes flew over the lines.

"Seems like they are coming home in the evening." She commented smiling contently, releasing a sigh of relief that nothing had happened to them. Shizune replied with a smile and went out of the office.

"I guess you want to greet them when they arrive?" Tsunade heard from the corner of the room. Throwing a pencil at the corner she smirked seeing the genjutsu Jiraiya had cast break as he swatted the projectile away.

"Yeah, I do." The blonde replied, watching Jiraiya walk over to her desk.

"Well, I guess you will have to hurry up your work then." He commented, looking over the piles of documents the Hokage still had to go through.

"Mind helping me?" Tsunade asked.

"What is in it for me?" The man opposite her replied, a smile on his face.

"My gratitude?" The woman tried, trying to pull off puppy dog eyes.

Laughing, Jiraiya pulled a chair closer to the table and grabbed a letter.

"Alright, alright. Stop torturing me with these eyes, you really need to get better at that look it looks awful." He joked, opening the scroll. Tsunade smiled at him, hoping they would make enough progress to be able to grab something to eat before Naruto and the group arrived.

Slowly the trees gave way to the widening trail as Naruto saw Konoha's gates come into view. Smiling at the girl next to him he put his arm around Temari's shoulder as they walked ahead of the group towards their home. The sun had just begun to set over the walls of the village, flooding the gate in orange light as the group of nine approached.

Tsunade smiled as she saw her shinobi walk through the gate, enveloping Naruto and Temari in a hug.

"Welcome back." She greeted the group as she let go of the two ninja in her arms. Jiraiya quickly gave them a hug as well, while Tsunade chatted with the others.

"How are you doing?" The white haired man asked.

"We are fine, we managed to save Gaara and Kankuro and killed two Akatsuki." Naruto replied with a shrug.

"You know I don't mean that." The sannin stated a small frown on his face.

"It's fine, really. We talked, maybe we can get things back to a relatively normal state. I mean we can't go back to the way it was before but yeah. You know what I mean." Naruto answered, looking at Kakashi and Kurenai. He had known what his sensei was talking about the first time he had asked, but really didn't want to talk about it. Luckily Jiraiya let it go and they joined Tsunade, Shikamaru, Ino, Kakashi and Kurenai on her way back to her office.

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