#3 Contracts

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The guards looked at the pair in the distance, as they waited for them to come up to the gates of Sunagakure. Naruto and Temari smiled at the two shinobi, asking to speak with the Kazekage.

"Why do you want to speak with our leader?" The older guard asked.

"We have a scroll from the Hokage." Temari answered using the mission as a pretense to speak with her father.

"Ok, come with me." The younger guard said. Causing the two konoha shinobi to walk with him into the city. Temari looked around as they walked through her former hometown. There were many shops that she remembered from her early years but it seemed that everything had changed. There was a clothing store that had changed its sign, another store had a completely front than the blonde girl remembered. In short; a lot had changed.

When they came to the office of the Kazekage they sat down and waited for them to be called inside. Entering the room they smiled seeing Gaara and Kankuro standing beside their father smiling at the two konoha shinobi.

Before anything was said, Kankuro quickly jumped forward and enveloped his sister in a tight hug. Gaara and Rasa smiled at that and went around the desk, joining the pair in a great family hug.

Looking up, Rasa noticed that Naruto was just standing there and motioned for him to join the group, whispering to him that he already was considered family.

A few moments passed before they disconnected from each other.

"Hi you guys." Temari finally greeted her family, smiling.

After a few sentences of small talk everyone had sat down around the Kazekage's desk.

"Alright, I don't suppose that you are here just to visit, so what brings you here?" Rasa asked, earning a mock hurt expression from his daughter and son-in-law.

"Actually there are two reasons for our trip. The first one is that Hokage-sama has asked us to deliver this scroll." Naruto said, handing said scroll over to the leader of the Sand village.

Opening it, Rasa read it, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Tsunade asks to make this years chunin exams a joint affair again, just like the ones three years ago." He mumbled, thinking about the offer. Naruto and Temari looked surprised at that, as they didn't know what the scroll said, before that point.

"I will have to talk with the council about this. If you are willing to stay here for a couple of days, I could give you the reply to bring to the Hokage." Temari's father offered, closing the scroll and putting it in one of the drawers on his desk.

"What is the other thing you came here for?" Rasa asked as Naruto looked down, avoiding his gaze. Temari took his hand and squeezed it slightly, before turning to her father. Sighing she tried to think of a good way to explain everything.

"As you know, we lost Naruto's sister while we were on our training trip. Well, when we went back to Konoha, we obviously had to tell Kakashi and Kurenai. Let's just say they didn't take it well. And while they were enraged they told us a secret that was not supposed to be revealed." Temari summarised the events that had led up to Kakashi's sudden confession.

"What did they reveal?" Rasa asked, looking between the engaged pair with worry in his eyes.

"I am not the son of Kakashi and Kurenai." Naruto said, looking at the surprised faces of the three other men in the room. After a moment Rasa caught himself, now looking at the boy with pity in his eyes.

"I am sorry, to hear that, it must have been hard for you to hear that." He replied.

"We actually came here because we wanted to tell you and so we could maybe talk about the marriage contract between Temari and me." Naruto continued earning a second surprised look from the Kazekage.

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