#21 Fear

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The sound of metal clashing could be heard as Kurenai walked towards the training ground. Making her way through the trees she saw Naruto and Temari fighting with each other, one with his grandfather’s blade and the other with two small battle fans. The two stopped as Kurenai reached the edge of the treeline. 
“You are getting better with these.” Naruto smiled, as he sheathed his sword, pulling his fiancee into a hug.
“I try to please.” Temari responded, a sly smile on her lips before pulling her fellow blonde down towards her. 
“Hello Kurenai. How are you.” Naruto asked without turning after they parted again. 
“Hey you two. I just wanted to talk to you.” The genjutsu mistress answered, slightly put off from the still cold tone her surrogate son held towards her. The two finally turned towards her as she stepped out into the clearing.
“Listen, I wanted to apologize again. I know we reacted horribly when you two came back. But I want you to know that we didn't mean the things we said that day. I want my son and daughter back. It is hard enough knowing I lost Kyouki, don't make me lose you two as well.” Kurenai explained, sitting down. Naruto and Temari sat down in front of her. 
“You know, I could never hate you. Even if you had hated me, I would have still loved you for everything you had done for me. I just want to know why. Why didn't you tell me, when I first asked you about the genjutsu?” Naruto asked, remembering the confrontation with a sad smile.

“Ka-chan!” Naruto’s voice echoed through the house as he came home from school, his fiancee next to him. 
“What is it Naruto?” Kurenai answered coming out of the kitchen with her apron on as she was preparing dinner.
“We learned about genjutsu today.” Temari told her excitedly making the woman smile.
“They even said that you are the best genjutsu user in the village!” The blonde continued as Naruto unsealed their empty lunchboxes from the storage scroll he had with him.
“Did you know I have a genjutsu on my hair?” He asked, his voice unbelieving, as his fingers combed through his black spikes.
“Yeah, I do. Who do you think put it there?” Kurenai asked with a smile.
“But why? Is there something wrong with my hair?” Now the black haired boy was frantically looking at his head in the big mirror in their hallway. Kurenai’s smile fell a bit, as she realized that she had to lie to her son about the genjutsu, she didn't want him to find out. She had already talked with Kakashi about it and they both feared that he would reject them as his parents if he found out who his real parents were. Both jonin knew that those fears were completely irrational, but even if there was a fraction of a chance of that happening, then the two were not willing to risk it, in their mind it would be better if Naruto never found out. 
Realizing that the two kids were staring at her, she smiled at them with a small laugh.
“No, there is nothing wrong with your hair. It is just that your father and I wanted to have your hair hidden, because it would have made you even more beautiful and we didn't want your fiance to go unconscious every time she saw you without your mask.” She explained, relieved that the two students were seemingly buying the excuse. 

“So you thought I would reject you, just because you didn't give birth to me?” Naruto asked, his voice silent as he had tears in his eyes. Temari had her arm draped around his shoulders, pulling him closer to herself. Kurenai only nodded as she looked down, ashamed for having those thoughts. 
Naruto smiled sadly, moving forward and enveloping his mother in a hug.
“I could never reject you, just because you are not my biological parents. You have done so much for Temari and me.” Naruto whispered as he pulled his mother closer to himself. 
“So we are forgiven?” Kurenai asked, hope shining in her eyes. Naruto only smiled and nodded. 

They were still at the training ground when they saw a messenger hawk speed over their heads. Knowing that there were only a few Konoha missions outside of the village at the moment they all had a sinking feeling, as they watched the bird fly directly towards the newly rebuilt Hokage tower.
It didn't take long until an Anbu arrived at their location.
“You are needed immediately.” He stated, before vanishing again. 
The three shinobi quickly jumped up, dashing towards the Hokage’s office, not caring if they disturbed the still ongoing rebuilding efforts.

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