#4 Confrontation

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"You guys have gotten a lot stronger." Gaara admitted as he sat down panting after he and his brother had faced off against Temari and Naruto. Smiling, the four teens sat down in the middle of the training ground to catch their breath.

"Thanks, you didn't slack either." Naruto replied, cleaning the blade of his sword. Gaara and Kankuro looked exhausted but smiled nonetheless, while Temari and her fiancé were winded for sure, but not to the same level as her brothers.

"What do we want to do for the rest of the day?" Temari asked as the four walked back towards the city.

"Well, I was thinking that we should try to figure out a hairstyle for my blonde. I don't think that the spikes go with the blonde colour." Naruto suggested, causing Temari to ruffle through his spiked hair with a laugh.

"I don't know, I think it looks cute. I mean, I liked the black, but your natural hair colour looks better in my opinion." She admitted, earning a smile from her boyfriend.

"Yeah, it makes you two even more of a couple." Kankuro remarked with a smirk, with a laughing Gaara agreeing.

Naruto quickly put himself between his fiancée and her brothers.

"You are just jealous, that you haven't found someone yet." He stated, pulling Temari closer and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. This seemed to calm her down, while Gaara and Kankuro were still laughing at the girls actions.

"Anyways, we won't stand in the way of your plans. So have fun with your hair problem." Gaara said as they walked through the gates of Suna, the guards obviously recognizing the children of the Kazekage. This earned another round of laughter, before the group split up, leaving Naruto and Temari to walk around the village on their own.

"Do you really think that I look better with the blonde spikes?" Naruto asked, looking at his reflection in a shop window. Temari smiled and put her arms around him, back hugging him, her head on his shoulder.

"Yes, I do." She said, before reaching up and turning Naruto's face to bring their lips together.

"Maybe I'll leave it then." Naruto whispered after they disconnected, earning a laugh from his girlfriend.

The couple was just coming out of a restaurant, where they had eaten lunch when they felt a massive wave of chakra just outside the village walls. Looking at each other they nodded and immediately dashed away.

Jumping over the houses, they were the first to arrive at the walls. Looking over the desert they saw Gaara and Kankuro in the distance fighting two men wearing black robes with red clouds.

"Akatsuki." Naruto simply stated, while taking out his sword. Temari followed her fellow blonde and they jumped down to help out their brothers.

Gaara and Kankuro were panting heavily as they were attacked over and over again. The puppets from Sasori and the explosive clay from Deidara were a nasty combination. It took Gaara all of his concentration to be able to defend himself and his brother from the explosions while Kankuro's puppets were no match for the masterworks of Sasori. Kankuro had lost two of his three puppets to the red haired puppeteer, who knew them inside and out, since he was the one that built them.

Gaara had already tapped into Shukaku's chakra, just to be able to defend, while Kankuro was running extremely low on reserves.

Kankuro saw a kunai from Sasori make his way towards him and knew that he wouldn't be able to dodge it in time. Quickly looking around he saw that Gaara was occupied with some spiders that were raining down from Deidara, who was flying above them. He tried to grab a kunai from his pouch to deflect the attack but was not fast enough, as he saw the kunai come closer with every moment.

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