#28 A Better Place

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"We have lost many good shinobi in this battle. But we came out victorious. I have to thank all the other hidden villages that had helped us in this fight. We came together in a time of importance and that shows me that the will of fire burns bright in each of their kages. We wouldn't have won if not for them." Tsunade announced from the top of the Hokage tower. She had added a black armlet to her usual attire in memory of Jiraiya. Next to her stood Kakashi and the council. Naruto and Temari stood silent behind their leader along with a lot of their friends, waiting for her to continue her speech.

"There are a few of our own shinobi that have proven their capabilities in the last months, but have not been acknowledged because of the hectic nature of the times. Before we come to them, I want to invite you all to a minute of silence in honour of the fallen." The Hokage lowered her head, her hands clasped together as the village grew silent.

Naruto felt Temari's hand searching for his own, as they remembered the people they had lost. Feeling her trembling, the blonde boy pulled her closer, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you." Tsunade's voice was barely a whisper but it was still heard all over the square. As if they had been in trance the people slowly started to move again and soon again there was a steady background noise that was unavoidable with this many people in one place.

"Now, to a bit more cheerful matters." Tsunade started again, gesturing to Kakashi, who unsealed a small scroll from his pockets.

"In the wake of the attack of the Akatsuki on the village a number of people have proven their valor against the attackers, as well as in coordinating the safety efforts for the civilians. It is my honour to call upon Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi." The blonde woman called out, waiting for the trio to move forward.

"For your quick thinking and your teamwork against the attack group on our east gate you three are promoted to the rank of jonin." Tsunade announced, a cheer running through the crowd as she presented the three newly made jonin with their new vests.

"Next up I want to call Konohamaru Sarutobi and Hanabi Hyuuga." She called out, when Naruto's former teammates had moved back to their previous spots.

"For helping my assistant Shizune in managing the civilians and the genins while the village was under attack I hereby promote you to chunin." Naruto zoned out as Hinata was made a jonin, as well as Sasuke and Haku, until he heard his fiance getting called up.

"For your work not just when the village was attacked, but also in the fight against Madara I hereby promote you to the rank of jonin." She announced, making the blonde girl smile proudly, even though Naruto could still see the tear tracks. Donning her new flak jacket Temari proudly stood next to her boyfriend.

"And lastly I want to call Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze forward." A murmur went through the crowd, since most did not know that Naruto was the son of the fourth Hokage, since they still believed that he was Kakashi's son with Kurenai. When he stepped forward, he smiled.

"For being an instrumental part of both victories, I hereby name you Konoha's Flash, this title being on the same level as the title of the three sannin. Congratulations." She announced, producing a new headband with the kanji for Flash on it, handing it to Naruto. The crowd erupted in cheers. To say that he was surprised would be an understatement. He had known who would be promoted and to what, since Tsunade had told them beforehand but no one had spoken of this. He wasn't even sure if there was a precedent for this, but he was glad nonetheless. A proud smile formed as he tied his new headband around his neck.

"Thank you for attending this ceremony, I wish you all a wonderful day." Tsunade ended the gathering, waving to the crowd as the group went into her office.

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