#27 Black Roses

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"Let's do this." Naruto stated as he was engulfed by Kurama's chakra and lifted up into the air, floating over the foxes eyes as the body of chakra rose up from the ground. He saw Shukaku slowly forming out of sand next to him and smiled. Madara's susanoo had stumbled back when Gaara's seal was opened, giving them enough time to form up.

Flashing through a series of hand signs, Naruto smiled, seeing his orange cloak do the same. Ending the sequence, Shukaku grinned, as Naruto charged forwards, his orange hands glowing red. Slowly two spheres of red chakra were forming in his palms as he approached his opponent. The charging beast was hard to overlook so Madara had braced himself for the impact, bringing his wings forward to shield himself. Naruto grinned, as he slammed the first Rasengan into the wings, pushing more chakra into the second attack. The wings parted again, as the force of Naruto's first Rasengan vanished, the attack having used up all of it's chakra. Smiling, the free hand of Naruto pushed one last bit of chakra into the still rotating rasengan before pushing it forward, exploiting the small gap between the wings that was left there when Madara had opened his wings. The Uchiha's eyes widened as the blue sphere exploded against his chest, sending him and his susanoo flying through the air.

"Temari, prepare a sealing scroll, we'll have only one shot at this." Naruto shouted down towards his girlfriend. Taking advantage of the fact that the Uchiha was still struggling to make it to his feet, Naruto lept after him, Shukaku already two steps ahead.

Temari didn't ask as she quickly unsealed a scroll from a storage seal in her pouch, opening it swiftly and sprinting after the three giant fighters.

Naruto watched as Shukaku delivered a devastating blow to Madara's head, sending him back down on one knee. A small smile allowed itself to creep onto his lips as he saw that the man was even slower to get up then before, apparently having been injured by the raccoon's powerful fist. Drawing back his own fist Naruto watched as orange chakra made contact with blue, before he got a hold of a wing, using it to draw the susanoo back towards his free fist.

Seeing Temari reaching the fight, he let go of Madara, Shukaku strangling the prone giant with sand.

The blonde teenager quickly channeled chakra into the scroll in her hand, before throwing the scroll at the blue chakra mass, hoping that it would still be able to restrain the man within.

Shukaku saw the seals snake over the blue samurai pushing more chakra into the sand, trying to hold the man down, whose struggling against his hold became more desperate the further the seal had snake around his body. It seemed as if they were successful, as the sealing matrix closed, a faint glow of white enveloping the kanji, before the blue chakra dispersed and Madara fell to the floor, his body not responding to the impact.

"Shukaku let Gaara take over again, we need him now." Naruto stated, as Kurama's chakra silhouette receded and he landed on his feet next to Temari. Quickly jumping towards their downed opponent, the two kept their weapons ready as they inspected the body to see if the seal had properly taken effect. They were relieved, when they saw that it did and that it had translated perfectly from the overly large body of the susanoo to Madara's. Nonetheless, they were still not satisfied as Naruto and Temari set out, drawing a complex seal around the unconscious leader of the Akatsuki.

"What are you doing?" Came the question from Gaara, as Shukaku had given him back control over his body.

"We are constructing a larger seal to be sure that this one can not come back. Could you maybe envelop him in sand?" Naruto asked, as the blondes continued working on the matrix.

"Yeah sure." The redhead sounded unsure, what was going to happen or how his sand would help but didn't question it and did as he was bid.

Naruto and Temari finished the last brush strokes in sync, looking up at each other with a smile. Temari stood and took a step back while Naruto went through a few hand signs, his fingers glowing bright with chakra. Connecting his fingers with certain points in the seal's matrix the seal started to glow, before it began to slowly circle around the pill shaped sand coffin that once was Madara. The seal started picking up speed, before it became impossible to decipher it, inching closer and closer to it's target. Once it reached the sand it was over in an instant. A blinding light erupted from the seal, blinding everyone for a brief amount of time.

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