#18 Dark Times

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"Are you alright?" Tsunade asked after the two chunin had regained their composure.

Looking at each other, Ino and Shikamaru nodded, as they took in the scenery around them.

"What happened?" The hokage asked further.

"The last thing I remember was fighting against the purple haired woman and hearing a roar coming from Naruto and Temari's battle." Ino recalled as Shikamaru's eyes widened, looking around and seeing Temari's body lying on the ground, the black rod still sticking in her chest.

"Where is Naruto?" He asked silently. As Ino realized what had happened.

"He went after the murderer of Temari. The purple haired woman followed." Tsunade informed them, as she watched the horizon where Naruto had run off to.

"Lady Tsunade!" A cry was heard when Asuma and Anko appeared next to the small group, weapons at the ready.

"We felt the Kyuubi. Is everyone alright?" The married couple asked, looking around and slowly lowering their weapons. Before the blonde woman could answer Asuma saw Temari's body and took Anko's hand in his, looking around and seeing Kurenai and Kakashi kneeling a bit away from the corpse comforting each other as they cried.

"What is happening down there?" Konohamaru asked, as he sat down next to Shizune, looking over the village from the top of the Hokage monument.

"I have no idea. Katsuyu has been ordered to not tell me, so it can't be good." The woman answered, looking down, playing with the kunai in her hands.

"Why would that be not good? Can't it mean that there is nothing bad to report and maybe that Tsunade herself will come in a few moments to tell us that it is over?" The boy asked, his eyes narrowing as he tried to make out anything in the crater.

"No, Tsunade wouldn't do that. The only reason she would have to keep me in the dark is that she doesn't want me to know how bad it has gotten, so that I don't lose hope and by extent you don't lose hope." The black haired woman answered, her voice silent, as she prayed for her friend's safety.

"Naruto and Temari are also down there. And don't forget Kakashi, Kurenai and my parents. There is no way that they can be defeated." Konohamaru stated with a proud smile on his face. Shizune only replied with a smile, knowing that in a battle such as this nothing was certain.

The perimeter had been established and everything had settled down, when Tsunade decided that it was safe enough to start the clean up work.

"Katsuyu inform Shizune that I will come to the shelter. I want her to assemble every chunin and genin present." The Hokage said silently, looking around at the line of Shinobi surrounding the crater watching for any sign of danger.

"Kakashi, you will take command here until I return. Do a body count and see what teams are still complete. We will need those teams to do patrols when we can be safe that the Akatsuki won't attack again." The blonde ordered, earning a nod from the white haired man, who was standing next to her after she had requested him to come to her.

"Don't worry, I won't be away too long. I won't keep you away from her for too long." Tsunade said softly as she saw the sole eye of the former Anbu look towards the body of Temari and his wife who was kneeling next to it with Anko comforting her. Another nod followed.

Tsunade turned and jumped away, making her way towards the Hokage monument.

Drawing a shaky breath, Kakashi tried to keep his tears from falling, seeing Kurenai still crying, her arms clinging to Anko. He sighed, wiping his eye dry, looking around.

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