#22 Promises

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The light flooded into the apartment as Naruto woke up, smiling down as he saw his fiance spread out across his chest. His smile fell however, when he saw the tear streaks on the teen's face. Reaching up the blonde boy carefully wiped them away, feeling the girl stir in his arms.

"Morning Tema." He whispered as the girl's eyes fluttered open. The blonde smiled a small smile as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Good Morning Naru." She whispered back, capturing his lips in a light kiss.

She put her hands behind his neck and smiled into the kiss, before she felt something odd. Pulling back she held up her left hand between the pair. Her ring finger, where the engagement ring Naruto had given her, before they had gone on the training trip with Jiraiya and the three genins, was empty. She could clearly see where the ring had sat, from the mark it had left after three and half years of wearing.

Looking up from her hand, she narrowed her eyes at the sheepish grin on Naruto's lips.

"What did you do?" She asked, pushing him back into the bed.

"Something I wanted to do for a long time." He answered cryptically, as he gestured towards their small night stand. Following his finger, Temari saw the small black box sitting on top of it. Moving off of the boy, the girl carefully opened the box.

"I don't get it." She stated honestly, as she couldn't find a difference on the ring, it still looked exactly how it did the previous evening. Naruto chuckled slightly and moved to sit beside her at the edge of the bed. Carefully taking the ring out of the box he turned it over so that the underside of the wolf and raven motive was visible. He had added an engraving with their names on the first anniversary of their engagement, Temari smiled as she remembered that day.

"Jiraiya-sensei, where are Temari-nee and Naruto-nii going?" Kyouki asked, as the four shinobi watched the pair walk away towards the town they were currently staying at.

"Today is a special day for them, they asked me to let them take the day off." The white haired man replied.

"What do you want to do today?" Temari asked, as the pair slowly walked through the town, looking at the different stores they had there. They never made any plans for the special days in their lives, both rather deciding spontaneously what they want to do.

"I was thinking of trying to bath house here, I saw that they have private rooms." He suggested.

"Sounds relaxing." Temari replied, with a small sigh. The last few weeks had been hard on them, between Jiraiya's training and the antics of the three genin the pair had not really gotten any time to relax. They were glad that the old perv had allowed them to take the day off. Smiling, the pair slowly made their way through the town, the sun slowly rising above them.

"We have some public rooms where the fee would only be 200 ryo per person." The clerk stated, after Naruto had requested a private room.

"We would like a private room please." Temari reiterated their request, earning a confused look from the woman behind the counter.

"Well, the only room available would cost 25000 ryo for a day. Are you sure you don't want to go into one of the public ones?" The brunette asked, a bit of concern in her voice.

"Yeah, we are sure." Naruto answered with a smile, taking out his purse and handing the clerk the money. The woman looked at the money in her hands with a slightly confused look on her face.

"May I ask where you got this much money? You seem a bit too young to be working." The woman asked, as she looked through her desk for the keys.

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