#16 Paper

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Temari shot another wind blade at the Akatsuki, trying to stop them from attacking Naruto and her. It didn't really work, as the most forward guy simply absorbed the jutsu as the mechanical guy continued shooting missiles and projectiles at them. Jumping back she looked at Naruto who was going through his own set of hand signs. Finishing, the blonde boy put his hands around his mouth and blew out a barrage of wind bullets forcing the orange haired men to evade, since the big one at the front could not suck more than two bullets into his hands at a time.

Temari quickly swung her fan, unleashing a giant wave of wind, interrupting the new set of missiles that came at them. A quick glance to the side and Naruto saw Shikamaru and Ino sprinting down the side of the crater, his hands already in his signature hand sign.

Hoping the Nara had come to the same conclusion as Naruto himself, Naruto quickly flew through another set of hand signs, before another giant dragon rose up from behind him, sparks flying off of his skin.

Temari was confused when she saw Naruto's jutsu, looking on as the dragon shot at the Akatsuki and as expected the large man moved to intercept the jutsu as he had done before. Then she saw the shadow. Striking like a snake, Shikamaru's signature jutsu took effect as the man tried to lift his hands but found himself unable to move. The black haired boy had to put all of his might into keeping the man still, as the struggle grew fiercer the nearer the dragon came. Naruto had a satisfied smile on his face when he saw the dragon hit it's target.

Pain shot a quick look at Konan who immediately understood and set her paper out to get the newcomer's attention.

Meanwhile Naruto and Temari both caught the food pills Ino had tossed at them.

"Thought you might need help." Ino stated quickly, as Temari deflected another barrage of missiles with a wave made of wind. Naruto only nodded as he felt his chakra reserves get replenished a bit. Looking for Shikamaru the blonde boy saw the blue haired woman move towards them and saw the thin paper sheets flying through the air. Quickly his hands found his sword, pushing chakra through it's blade, and sent a few slashes out, making Shikamaru duck away, as the paper attack was roasted by the electrified arks.

"Keep her away." Naruto ordered, looking at his two teammates. Both nodded and quickly moved to intercept the woman.

"Let's end this." Temari stated as she took a quick glance at her fiance. Naruto nodded, as Temari went through her hand signs, before creating a giant wave of water that swept across the crater. Concealed by the giant mass of water, Naruto made his way towards the three remaining Akatsuki, sword in hand. Emerging from the water as the three men evaded the wave, Naruto's blade was already glowing as he sprinted towards the man shooting missiles at them. He was about to strike, when he was thrown aside by some invisible force, hitting the ground without being able to cushion the fall. Coming to a rolling stop, Naruto got up, although it was clear that it had hurt him, as he was a lot slower than before. Temari quickly sent another water wave to block the rockets coming at her boyfriend, while he positioned his hands in his familiar cross sign. A giant smoke cloud swallowed the blonde boy shortly before a barrage of Naruto's jumped out of it, swords raised, rushing at the Akatsuki members.

The son of the fourth Hokage was slightly confused, as he saw none of his clones being attacked by the same invisible force that he was attacked by. Watching from his hiding spot he saw his clones get destroyed in hand to hand combat, before he was hit with a wave of memories from his clones that had attacked the guy furthest back. Apparently he was the one with the invisible attack as he had blocked a few strikes and had destroyed a few of his clones before raising his hands. The last thing his clones had felt was a huge force pushing them away from the man, before they had dissolved. This confused Naruto even more, since he couldn't think of a reason for the man to not use that jutsu instantly. As that thought crossed his mind the blonde boy's confused eyes cleared. Quickly giving Temari some hand signs behind his back Naruto went through another set of hand signs, as his hands began to glow white and the sound of chirping birds could be heard across the crater.

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