#15 Mangekyo

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"Asuma, Anko." Kurenai smiled as she saw their friends coming to their help.

Asuma only nodded as he focused on the task at hand, the two men taking the front while their wifes stood back.

"I think we just have to destroy the masks." Kakashi stated, earning another nod from his friend. Asuma was thinking about using his dustwind technique but had to decide against it since he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't hit some Konoha shinobi with it. Instead he went through a series of hand signs, before blowing out a large cloud of ash, enveloping Kakuzu and his creatures. Creating a spark with his teeth, the black haired man blew up the ash, hoping that it would have killed Kakuzu or some of his creatures.

When the smoke cleared Asuma's eyes went wide, seeing that there was a dome of wind surrounding their opponents, meaning that his jutsu had had no effect at all. Taking out his knives he looked at Kakashi who nodded and took out his tanto, both channeling chakra into their swords.

The only thing Sasuke saw was the blood on Haku's face. Kneeling down beside his girlfriend, he didn't even care if Kakauzu was attacking him at that moment, as he caressed the girl's face with tears streaming down his face. In the corner of his eyes he saw Asuma's ash jutsu and the explosion, but he didn't care. The sorrow and sadness in his mind slowly subsided as he looked at the pained brown eyes staring back at him, getting replaced by anger and rage. Closing his eyes he balled up his fists, as he remembered the time he had spent with the girl.

"Hey Haku." The twelve year old Sasuke called out as the girl walked past him. Looking up, the girl smiled a small smile, as the Uchiha walked up to her.

"What's got you so down?" The black haired boy asked, seeing the sadness hidden behind the smile. It had been a week since team 7 and 10 had returned from their mission to wave and since Haku had become a civilian of Konoha. She had been living in a small apartment right next to the giant Uchiha compound. However two days after she had moved in the landlord had found out that she was a former shinobi from Kirigakure, apparently his son was killed by someone from Kiri so he hated the village. He had made it his personal mission to remove Haku from his property, constantly making noise at night, robbing the girl of her sleep. Haku also suspected that he was behind the stones that were thrown into her windows that had messages on them stating that 'Kirigakure should take it's scum back'

"It's nothing. Just some trouble with my landlord." The black haired girl stated. Sasuke only raised his eyebrows obviously not buying that it was nothing. Haku continued to walk until she felt the boy grab her arm and stop her, looking at her with worry in his eyes.

"I can see that it is not nothing. You look like you haven't slept in days." He said, watching as the girl squirmed in his grip.

"Come on, you can tell me. You know that." He tried again after leading her to a small tree group with a bench where they sat down together. Haku knew that she could, after all he was the one that had protected her from being forced into the CRA, after the shinobi council had declared their intention. Sighing slightly she nodded and told Sasuke about the things that had been going on.

"Alright, come on, we will go to the Hokage, we have to do something against those people." Sasuke declared. Quickly stopping him from standing up, Haku looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I don't want to cause any more trouble. They already hate me, when they think that I am moving against them they will hate me even more. I want to be accepted, not hated." She reasoned, her voice silent and fragile.

"Alright. But we will get you out of that apartment. I will talk with the Hokage to let you move into one of the houses in the Uchiha compound. Since the failed coup almost all of the houses are empty." Sasuke stated, standing up for good this time. Nodding with relief Haku followed him, since she was supposed to meet with the Hokage anyway.

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