Claire and ava have been fighting a lot lately about Claire being obsess with trying to catch Jeremy and not spending any time with ava and they have been avoiding each other but one night Jeremy catches Claire off gaurd and attacks her she has a couple crack ribs on her left side, a cut on the corner of her forehead, and a cut bottom lip on her left side but our right side luckily Zach was there to break it up and pin Jeremy down to the ground until the cops gets there not the way Claire wanted him to be catch but she's happy either way Claire is sitting on the her hospital waiting until ava gets there Mona is in the room pacing around Claire looks at her
'Do you think that this is really over for good this time?' Claire asks, Mona stops and looks at her
'I hope so because I don't know how much more I can take of this' Mona says
'Well that makes two of us' Ava says, she walks in Claire's room, they look at her
'Hey love' Mona says, she walks up to her and hugs her
'Hi' Ava says, she hugs her back, Mona looks at both of them
'Listen I'll leave you guys alone to talk' Mona says, Claire smiles and Mona leaves
'I thought that you wouldn't show up' Claire says, as ava walks up to her
'Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I don't care' Ava says, she sits down in front of Claire
'Yeah I guess you're right about that and few other things too' Claire says
'Like what?' Ava asks
'About me being obsess with trying to catch Jeremy and for someone to hurt you the way he did it makes you want to do everything in your power to get back at them but like you said sometimes it's out of our hands, I'm sorry about making enough time to spend time together like I should have, its weird how I could have before but not this time and I came to the conclusion that me and Jeremy knew that this time was going to end everything, I think he give up and wanted to turn himself in because he knew that I wasn't going down without a fight but he wanted to get the last shot in before he did, that's what he told me when was beating me up' Claire says, ava is taken aback
'Wow now that you said all of that, it does make sense' Ava says, Claire smiles then looks back down
'I know that I should be still mad at you but since this finally over I know that for a fact because Alison told that he's getting charged with attempted murder for Addison and assault for you just now, I forgive you and I'm not mad at you anymore because I know how much you wanted him caught and he is maybe not the way you wanted to but he's going to prison with heavy security' Ava says, Claire looks at her and smiles
'I love you' Claire says, ava smiles
'I love you too' Ava says, she kisses her on the cheek for right now
'Just until your lip is healed up' Ava says, Claire smiles
'Fair enough, after i do get healed up I'll take you on a date, a real one' Claire says, ava smiles
'I would love that, So other then the cuts what else is damaged?' Ava asks
'A few crack ribs on my left side, other then those things that's about it' Claire says
'You just can't win for losing can you?' Ava says
'Well I won one thing though' Claire says
'Oh yeah what's that?' Ava asks, Claire smiles
'You, its always been you' Claire says, ava smiles and kisses her on the cheek
'There's the Claire I know and love' Ava says
'Well She's finally back, I feel like that I can be myself now without looking over my shoulder every five minutes' Claire says
'I'm glad that she is back' Ava says
'Me too' Claire says
'The others will probably be here soon so let's enjoy the time alone as long as we can' Ava says, Claire smiles
'Fine by me' Claire says, they keep talking until the others gets there
A/n there's going to be more happier chapters ahead so stay tuned! 🙌

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt