It's the next morning ava opens her eyes the first thing she feels is the pounding in her head and light coming through the blinds she slow sits up takes her a minute to adjust to her surroundings she realizes that she's in her studio apartment and her clothes have been changed too then she looks at her table beside her bed and sees some Advil and water then she slowly remembers what happened last night she puts her head down
'Oh my god' Ava whispers, then Claire walks in the doorway of the hallway drying her hair off from taking a shower
'Good Morning' Claire says, ava looks at her
'Shut up, i know that i deserve this hangover for how I acted last night ok I don't need you to rub it in my face' Ava whispers, she puts her head back down, Claire smiles and walks up to her she sits beside her, ava looks at
'Sorry I didn't mean that, you took care of me last night thank you, I would kiss you ok but i might have a feeling that I'm throw up here soon' Ava says, Claire chuckles
'Yeah, that's probably a good idea and your welcome, but take the Advil after' Claire says, ava smiles
'Well do, I know the question that you want to ask me which is why am i drinking and my honest answer is to cope with everything that Jeremy put us through' Ava says
'You been drinking almost three months?' Claire asks
'No, just these past couple of weeks its finally catching up to me' Ava says, Claire holds ava's hand
'Well, for now if something is bothering you come to me and talk about anything that's on your mind' Claire says, ava smiles
'I will, for now get rid of the rest of them under the sink in the kitchen' Ava says
'Well do' Claire says
'I'm surprised that you're not mad at me for ruining last night date I'll make it up to you' Ava says
'Oh!, I know you will because you own me one makeup sex night' Claire says
'Ok fair enough how about tonight because I'll be better by then' Ava says
'Well I think that my parents are getting suspicious about me spending the night here every night' Claire says
'Who cares we're in a relationship and we both already consent to having sex with each other' Ava says
'I know but we're still under eight-teen still so we still have to go by their rules plus i have work for the next two nights' Claire says, ava sighs
'Same here, how about a date night on Friday without me drinking and talking about how much I can't stand looking at Caitlin right now' Ava says
'Did you read the rest of what she wrote' Claire asks
'No and I don't want to' Ava says
'Well she said that's how felt at the beginning of everything but now she feels like everything that we been through has made us stronger not just friends But as humans too' Claire says, ava looks at her
'Great now after puke up my guts then I have to stuck my tail in between my legs and apologize to her' Ava says, Claire smiles
'Yeah looks that way' Claire says, ava puts her head down
'Oh god' Ava groans
'Come on, throw up, take a shower and I'll text Caitlin in your phone to meet at the brew' Claire says
'Ok, again thank you for taking of me last night' Ava says, Claire smiles
'Again you're so very welcome' Claire says, ava smiles then gets up and does all of that

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt