Mr. Johnson look at the cameras again it turns out that somebody give Addison the doll to put it in Claire's locker so in the dance studio Claire, Caitlin, Dylan, and Addison are in there talking
'who was it that give you the doll of me?' Claire asks
'ok do you remember that guy Jeremy who dated Claire last year for revenge of her breaking up with him' Addison says
'yeah' Caitlin says
'that's who give it to me' Addison says
'I'm gonna kill him' Dylan says
'can I join you on that too' Claire says
You see Claire and Jeremy dated last year but Claire found out by ava that he was cheating on her all that
'I know we all love too but we have to let Alison and them handle this' Caitlin says
'since I was force to do this the only punishment I get is to do community service here at the school on Saturday' Addison says
'I mean that sounds reasonable' Caitlin says
'what do you have to do?' Dylan asks
'go through boxes of clothes and put them in their sizes like smalls, medium and so on' Addison says
'just you?' Caitlin asks
'yup' Addison says
'well I got nothing going on that so I can help you' Dylan says, Caitlin smiles
'me too' Caitlin says
'I think I help to help my mom but I can try my best to come by and help out' Claire says
'why are you guys being nice to me all of a sudden?' Addison asks
'well one everybody deserves a second chance and two you was at the wrong place at the wrong time and I know you wouldn't hurt me that bad' Claire says
'I may not be smart but I'm not that stupid' Addison says
'does ava know about this?' Dylan says
'yeah she does Emily told her, have you guys talk since the night she kissed you?' Caitlin asks
'no she told Emily that she doesn't want to see me right now' Claire says
'do you think you will like her in that way at all?' Addison asks
'at first no but when she kissed me it made sense you know but if she likes me then I would like to see how this goes' Claire says, then the bell rings
'you know what I don't care anymore I'm seek into her room tonight to talk to her' Claire says, she grabs her bag and leaves
'hopefully Alison doesn't shoot her first' Addison says, Dylan and Caitlin laughs and then leaves too
later that night at ava's house Claire is in her room sitting on her desk she seek in when ava left the room ava went down stairs to get something to eat and drink then a few minutes later ava walks in her room and puts her food and drink on her night stand beside her bed
'we need to talk?' Claire asks, ava's eyes winded
'how did you get in here?' Ava asks
'through the window' Claire says, Ava smiles at that because that's what they use to do when they was kids then stops smiling
'I already know about what really happened' Ava says
'I'm not talking about that' claire says
'well I'm not ready to talk about that yet?' Ava says
'well I am you don't have to say anything just listen' Claire says
'ok' ava says
'can you please turn around you don't have to look at me?' Claire asks, Ava turns around and has her arms crossed and looks at the ground Claire smiles
'you're cute when you get like this' Claire says
'you probably mean as friendship kinda of way' Ava says
'I have been thinking about that night that you kissed me and at first I was shock and confused then I thought about how you was feeling embarrassed that you kissed your crush and you feel like they don't like you back I know that feeling but...' Claire starts saying, she gets down from the desk and walks up to her sits on her bed and looks at her
'but when you kissed me at first I don't feel anything until the next day that's when I knew that I like you in that way too it wasn't until you kissed me that kiss made it clear to me that I like you in that way because before you kissed me I didn't have any idea that I like you back, I guess you have to be kiss by somebody to see if you like them now days' Claire says, then she gets up and stands in front of her
'well that's what I had to say so I'm gonna head home before my parents kill me, talk to me when you're ready' Claire says, as she gets to the door ava looks at her
'since we feel the same way about each other, would you give us a chance?' Ava asks, Claire stops and turns around walks up to her and smiles again
'yes, but only if you want to?' Claire asks, ava smiles
'of course I do' Ava says, Claire smiles, she walks up to closer to her
'well then we are dating now?' Claire asks
'Good' Ava says
'come here' Claire says, she leans in and kisses her

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt