at Addison's apartment she's in the bathroom where she's about to change her band-aid pad on her side when she hears a knock on the door as she walks out of the bathroom
'COMING!?' Addison yells, she walks up to the door and looks out the peep hole and its Caitlin so she unlocks the door and opens it
'hey' Addison says
'hey, we need to talk?' Caitlin asks
'ok, come in' Addison says, As Caitlin walks in
'thanks' Caitlin says, as Addison shuts the door
'yup' Addison says, Caitlin turns around and Addison turns around too and walks up to her
'you can sit if you want too' Addison says
'ok' Caitlin says, she sits on the couch
'I have to change the band-aid pad on my side real quick, it will only take a few minutes to do' Addison says
'oh yeah that's fine' Caitlin says, Addison walks back in the bathroom and Caitlin sits facing Addison she takes the old one off
'its not as bad as it did when you got shot' Caitlin says, Addison looks at her then back at her side
'a lot of people say that, can you help me put the new band-aid pad on please?' Addison asks, Caitlin smiles then gets up and walks in the bathroom
'should we clean it first?' Caitlin asks
'yeah hand me that wash rag please?' Addison asks
Caitlin picks up the wash rag and hands it to her and Addison gets the rag wet and puts her some soap on it and squeezes it out and as she cleans it
'so what did you want to talk about?' Addison asks
'I just wanted to apologize about what I said earlier' Caitlin says, Addison looks at her
'no you don't have to apologize because I didn't explain to you how we became friends and we left you guys in the dark, so I apologize for that and being rude earlier' Addison says, Caitlin smiles
'apology accepted' Caitlin says
Addison smiles and puts the wash rag down and Caitlin grabs the new band-aid pad on her side and Caitlin looks at her
'I think we're shock of how fast you guys became friends so fast is all' Caitlin says, Addison crosses her arms
'will you wasn't the only one who was surprised either, its just when two people are enemies they eventually find out what they have in common' Addison says
'was we enemies too?' Caitlin asks
'I have thought about that too and I think you guys was just standing off to the side and just watching us to destroy each other but when you guys tried to stop the other one then the other one will attack you guys so then you guys just stood off to the side and let us go after each other but once after Jeremy put the doll in Claire's locker you guys started to realized that I wasn't a bad person after all just a person who made bad choices' Addison says
'well I can't blame you for making bad choices because everybody in this group has made some bad choices' Caitlin says
'fair enough, what have you done bad in this group?' Addison asks
'can we make a deal?' Caitlin asks, Addison steps closer to her
'what kind of deal?' Addison asks
'once you get held up I'll tell you what I have done bad in this group' Caitlin says, Addison smiles and unfolds her arms and takes her right hand into hers and looks at her
'whenever you're ready you can tell me' Addison says, Caitlin smiles
'thank you' Caitlin says
'your welcome' Addison says, Caitlin kisses her deeply and Addison backs up against the sink and Caitlin puts her arms around Addison's neck and Addison puts her hands around Caitlin's waist then Caitlin pulls away
'are you sure that you're ready?' Caitlin asks
'maybe in a week I will be until then we can make out and cuddle' Addison says, Caitlin smiles
'fair enough' Caitlin says, she turns around and Addison puts her arms around her and Caitlin puts her back against Addison's left side because of Addison's right side
'you wanna go to bed?' Addison asks
'yeah I'm getting tired, you?' Caitlin asks
'well I'm drug up so I'm always tired' Addison says, Caitlin laughs
'alright lets go' Caitlin says, she takes Addison's hand and leads her to the bed and they go to bed
at Ava's studio in Ava's bed Claire is on top of Ava they just got done making love now they are kissing then stops and Ava looks at her
'what happened to take this slow?' Ava asks, she smiles as Claire rolls of her
'oh you like it when I'm in control' Claire says, she lays beside her
'alright fair enough' Ava says, Claire smiles
'will we better enjoy making love as much as we can before we leave to go to different colleges' Ava says, Claire's smile fades away
'yeah well one of us aka me doesn't want to go to college anymore' Claire says, Ava looks at her
'what?' Ava asks, she turns on her right side and uses her right elbow to sit up with Claire is picking at her finger nails
'yeah well I got college letters from Columbia university, Harvey Mudd college, new York university, and brown university' Claire says
'you don't know if you want to take them?' Ava asks
'nope the closes one is NYU, brown is in Providence, Rhode and CU is in also in new York, HM is in California, so I don't know what to do honestly' Claire says, she wipes a tear away from her eye as Ava puts hand into Claire's right hand
'hey, hey, hey, look at me' Ava says, Claire looks at her
'no matter you deiced I'll be right beside you every step of the way' Ava says, Claire smirks and puts her hand on Ava's cheek
'you promise' Claire says, Ava smiles
'I promise' Ava says, she kisses her Claire smiles
'I'll take your word for it because you been there for me through a lot of shit all of my life from my depression, eating disorder, and so on' Claire says
'and I'll always will be there for you no matter if we are together or not' Ava says
'because that's what best friends do for each other' Claire says
'because we're not just girlfriends we're best friends' Ava says, Claire smiles
'damn right' Claire says
'come here' Ava says
she opens up her arms and Claire snuggles into her arms and Ava wraps her and kisses Claire on her head and they both closes their eyes and goes to sleep

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt