Back to present time its the start of year senior year so far so good Dylan is talking to a guy name Andrew a different Andrew, Caitlin and Addison are getting closer, but for Claire and Ava are at odds with each other ever since a girl name Hailey has been hanging out with Claire in yearbook, so in yearbook class it just ended before Hailey and Claire walks out together laughing and talking ava is at Caitlin's locker watching them walk by and Caitlin is watching ava then she looks at Claire and Hailey
'Oh' Caitlin says, she shuts her locker door, Dylan walks up to them
'Sup' Dylan says
'Ava has a new enemy' Caitlin says
'Who?' Dylan says, Caitlin points towards Claire's direction and Dylan looks that way and sees Claire at Hailey's locker
'Oh' Dylan says, he turns back around
'I don't know guys, something seems off about this situation because Claire just doesn't go up to somebody she doesn't know and start talking to them' Ava says
'That is true' Caitlin says, Claire says goodbye to Hailey and walks up to them
'So what's the scoop on the new girl?' Dylan asks
'She's one of Jeremy's ex-girlfriends' Claire says
'See i told you something was odd' Ava says, Claire looks around first to see if Hailey is around first then looks back at them
'Don't worry I'm just pretending to her friend because I think she might be 'A' Claire says
'That would make sense because of all a sudden she shows up here and starts hanging out with you, I don't mean it in a bad way, I think it's just because you was one his girlfriend's that she can relate to you' Dylan says
'True, or he brainwashed her to the point where she can take over for him after something happens to him' Claire says
'Well in the meantime try to get as much information as you can, come D i gotta meet Addison in front' Caitlin says
'Later' Dylan says, they leave, Claire stands in front of ava
'Sorry about not telling you my plan' Claire says
'Its fine, I think I would have figure it out anyway' Ava says, Claire puts her back against the lockers and looks around
'Hopefully we have to go through this shit in college or wherever we are at after this' Claire says
'I know me too, especially all the shit that we went last year, with Jeremy, Addison getting shot, her and Dylan getting beat up, my mom getting shot and having a double surgery' Ava says, Claire looks at her
'Caitlin almost getting hit by a car' Claire says
'I know we talk about marriage now and then and kids too I just hope that one day they don't through what we went through' Ava says
'Yeah well, you're carrying the baby' Claire says, ava chuckles
'Not only do we have to worry about Hailey we also have to worry about Dylan's Andrew too' Ava says
'I can see what my mom can pull up on him' Claire says
'On who?' Mona asks, they look at her
'Hailey Morgan and Andrew Tate' Claire says, Mona looks at them confused
'I thought Hailey was your friend and Andrew is the guy that Dylan has been talking to' Mona says
'Well Hailey is one of Jeremy's ex-girlfriends' Claire says

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt