ch. 39: Dylan returns

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A/n since I forgot this part

So it's been a couple of weeks now and Dylan woke up a couple of days later after he slept into his second coma and now he's on his way to Florida to spend the rest of his summer vacation with the others so gets there and Aria pick him up at the airport

'we're here!?' Aria says, Everybody walks up to them and everybody hugs him the last person that he hugs is Claire they are at stand mate

'this is gonna be a long day' Mona says, They laugh

'i honestly don't know what to say but just say thank you for saving my life' Dylan says, Claire smiles

'your welcome but honestly I was just at the wrong place at the right time' Claire says

'i know that you're not a fan of hugs besides Ava's or your parents but can I hug you?' Dylan asks, Claire smiles

'yeah of course' Claire says, Dylan smiles and hugs her they pulls away

'those karate classes finally kick in' Dylan says

'eh I used them on Jeremy so you're not the first person that saw me use them' Claire says

'which reminds me you still have to teach me some  of them' Ava says, Claire looks at her

'i would use Dylan as target practice but i don't wanna damage anymore of his brain what he has left of it' Claire says

'oh' Ava says sarcastically, She hits her playfully on the arm everybody laughs Dylan looks at Claire

'oh yeah look who's talking you're not so slick yourself' Dylan says

'ooooooo' everybody says

'and they're off!' Mona says, Everybody laughs and Claire looks at Dylan

'well give me some credit i been in and out of a coma for the past couple of months now so my memory isn't that great at the moment' Dylan says

'was it ever great to begin with' Claire says

'Claire!?' Ava says, She hits her again on the arm

'touchè' Dylan says, They laugh

'careful Ava she might like that a little too much' Dylan says

'ew' Ava says

'gross' Claire says

'now i can't that image out my head now' Addison says

'anyways moving on' Claire says, She looks at Ava

'when do you want to learn how to do karate?' Claire asks

'anytime really' Ava says

'ok will get change and meet me outside' Claire says, Ava smiles

'ok' Ava says

'welcome home Dylan' Claire says, Dylan smiles

'thank you' Dylan says, So Ava and Claire leaves to get change

'so Dylan what are you gonna do today?' Mona asks

'well I'm healthy enough to go out and go sight seeing Florida for a little bit, if anybody is down for that' Dylan says

'if you're guys aren't busy in own little world today yeah we can do that' Mona says, She looks at Caitlin

'yeah let's go' Caitlin says

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