1 year later
Addison finally recovered from her injuries last year and ava talk to Emily and Alison about what she's been seeing between them and just like Claire said they was going through a rough patch
Hanna and Spencer lives in Spencer's old house so Aria is standing in front of the sink and Hanna is standing across from her Mona and Spencer are standing in front of the stove Emily and Alison are sitting across from them then Lucas and Caleb walks in
'hey, why are you guys late for?' Spencer asks
'we ran over a squarl' Lucas says
'Oooooo' Aria says
'says unless what color is Mr. Dawson's dog?' Caleb asks
'you ran over his dog!?' Mona asks
'I'll get the trash bags' Aria says
'I'll get the flashlights' Alison says, It's dark outside
'I'll get two shovels' Hanna says
'why shovels?' Caleb asks, As Hanna and them walks past him
'Because you're helping me buried the damn thing' Hanna says, They laugh
'of course I am' Caleb says, So they all goes outside
'did you guys have your headlights on?' Mona asks
'yeah, but we didn't see anything ran in front of us' Lucas says
'huh, that's weird' Mona says
So outside Caleb walks up to the spot where he ran over something
'hmmmm, it's gone' Caleb says
'Maybe some other animal got it' Aria says
'Maybe' Caleb says, Then Hanna looks at a tree And sees a piece of paper on it and she shines the flashlight on it
'hey guys look' Hanna says, They look at what she's looking at and they slowly walks up to it
'I know what you did last summer' -A' Aria says
'this crap again!?' Caleb says
'not again' Alison says
'I'm afraid so' Aria says
'lets take it back to everybody else' Hanna says
'alright ' Aria says, So she takes it down as they all walks back into the house
'what did you guys find?' Mona asks, As Caleb throws the paper down onto the counter
'i didn't run over anything but Hanna find that on a tree near the place where I thought I did run over something' he says, They read it and Mona looks at Caleb
'you can't be serious, this again?' Mona asks
'either Spencer's twin sister is back or its a copy cat' Aria says
'i would say how this 'A' know where we are at?, but it's 'A' it always knows where we are and what we are doing at all times' Alison says
'yup' Emily says
'i thought it was over' Hanna says
'we all did Han' Spencer says
'what do we do now, wait until a house next door explodes or one of us gets kidnapped and healed against our well' Caleb says
'babe calm down' Lucas says
'did you take your PTSD pill this today?' Hanna asks
'i think so' Caleb says
'i give it to him this morning' Lucas says
After everything that other 'A' has done to him it mess up Caleb's mind and every time he hears the 'A' he starts to freak out and who can blame him I mean I would to then all of their phones goes off at the same time they look at the text they each reads one part of it
'Keep your kids' Hanna says
'Safe at night time' Emily says
''because the past always repeats it self' Aria says
'-'A'' they all say
'Not the kids' Mona says
'What A wants A gets' Spencer says
'Well I'll burn in hell before I let that happened' Mona says
'now we have to sleep with one eye open again' Alison says, 'A' watches them through the window

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt