Still in flashback
So been a couple of days since ava and Claire have hooked up and within those two days they got into their first serious fight about how Claire wasn't ready for their relationship because ava sees that Claire hasn't fully moved on from Jeremy which she has ava is trying to figure out if it's just her being insured about sharing the new Claire to everybody or is it separation anxiety or both and ava realizes that Claire won't play with her emotions like that especially after they had sex
Remember when Claire confronting ava about her feelings for her that didn't happen or when ava just kissed her and ran away either, they just told the others a made up story chapter two was made up accept for going through the clothes that actually did happen
this is actually the night they makeup from their first serious fight they been secretly dating since that night they had sex and haven't told the others just yet they want to enjoy as long as they can by themselves
Claire is sitting on her bed reading a book then ava walks in Claire looks at her and shuts her book
'Hey' Claire says, she puts the book down beside her and sits up
'Hey' ava says, she walks up to Claire's bed and sits down in front of her and looks at her
'You're right, you are ready for our relationship but i can't say the same thing for me though' Ava says, Claire looks at her confused
'What do you mean?' Claire asks, ava takes a deep breath and let's it out, and looks at her
'After our fight the morning after we had sex, I was thinking why did I tell her that she wasn't ready for our relationship when I knew that she is then it hit me it was me feeling insured about sharing the new Claire to everybody else or separation anxiety because I didn't see you all summer long that I want to just get to know the new Claire is now' Ava says, Claire smiles and holds ava's hands
'I get what you mean, if I had a friend come back from somewhere then back with a makeover and act like nothing happened then have a crush on them for so long and we finally do get together but when we do that person has so many people that wants to be with her too I would feel insured about that too and when you're around that person all your life and you start dating them you don't want them to leave for like five minutes to go to the bathroom I get the separation anxiety too because we always been around each other ever since pre-k, so I am ready this relationship if you are that is?' Claire asks
'Yeah, I'm ready for this relationship too, I'm sorry for everything that happened that morning' Ava says
'It wasn't the best morning after sex wake up call I ever had, but i accept your apology' Claire says, ava smiles and she is about to kiss her
'Wait a minute you said that you didn't do anything sexual with Jeremy?' Ava asks
'I was being sarcastic, and no I didn't anything sexual with him I told you that night he tried to make me do' Claire says
'I'm just going to kiss you because I'm starting to picture you doing that' Ava says, Claire laughs and ava kisses her
'One more thing next time just come to me and talk to me about how you feel about something that I did or said so we can avoid the fighting part' Claire says
'Ok deal, same goes to you too' Ava says, Claire smiles
'Of course' Claire says
'So now that we have that settled, did you see what we got on our English project?' Ava asks

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt