its the first day of summer and Addison is clear to go back to work everybody at the cabin everybody is sitting around a big ass camp fire talking and laughing
'I have an idea' Dylan says
'oh lord help us all' Claire says, They laugh
'hahaha, anyways I was just thinking...' Dylan starts saying, Claire looks at him
'you using your brain for once' Claire says, Everybody laughs
'anyways what was you thinking about?' Claire asks
'confessions that we held onto for too long, we will ask each other questions and we have to answer them truthfully' Dylan says
'almost like truth or dare but minus the dare part' Ava says
'right' Dylan says
'who's our first victim?' Claire asks
'I'll go, ask me a question?' Addison asks
'do you really want to go to Georgia Tech with us?' Claire asks, Caitlin looks at Addison, Addison smiles
'honestly yes I do' Addison says
'hmmmm, I think there's more to it' Claire says
'me too so start talking' Caitlin says
'because I turn down a job offer for the NYPD' Addison says
'wait when?' Caitlin asks
'a couple of days ago' Addison asks
'why didn't you tell me anything about it' Caitlin says
'because I didn't want you to choose between your dreams and me' Addison says
'yeah but what about your dreams, are you always going put your dreams on hold for me all of the time' Caitlin says
'maybe it depends on the offer that I get, who's next' Addison asks, She takes a drink, Changing the subject they keep doing this until they get tired of it
Claire and Ava, Dylan are staying behind to clean and Addison is standing on the dock and then Caitiln walks up to her
'hey' Caitlin says
'hey' Addison says, They don't look at each other just into the lake
'did you really not want to take that job offer because of me?' Caitlin asks
'yeah, because we ain't getting any more closer to finding Jeremy and he could follow you guys there so I want to protect you guys and the second most important reason is because I love you and I want to be with you more then anything' Addison says, Caitlin smiles
Addison says and besides whatever state we move to I know I will have a job because whenever we lived at before that state will transfer me over to the next one' Addison says
'oh so you will have a job no matter where we will end up at?' Caitlin asks
'yup unless I quit or retire' Addison says
'I don't see you doing none of those' Caitlin says
'not right now' Addison says
'right, but next time can you tell me if you get a job offer or not' Caitlin says, Addison smiles
'yeah I will' Addison says
'good' Caitlin says, She walks up to her and Addison puts her left arm around her and Caitlin puts her head under Addison's chin and looks out into the lake

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt