so Caitlin and Ava have been fighting for the past couple of days but only kept it between then because if Claire knows that they are fighting she well get to the bottom of it which is a good thing to stop two people that you love from fighting but they want to figure it out themselves but Dylan, Addison, and Claire have notice that they have been giving each other the cold shoulder lately so everybody is at Addison's apartment because its bigger so Caitlin and Ava are sitting on the couch at each end and Addison is sitting in the chair beside Caitlin and Dylan is standing behind the couch and Claire is pacing in front of them back and forth and has her hand on the back of her neck and then stops and looks at them
'look I love you guys to death maybe more then the other one but that doesn't mean I don't love the other one' Claire says, they both smiles
'ok good now we're on a good start, ok so can you guys tell us what the hell is going on between you guys ok I know you guys want to work this out by yourselves but its been too many days that you guys could have fix this...'Claire starts saying before ava cuts her off
'its only been two days since we got into that fight' Ava says
'yeah sometimes fights take some days' Caitlin says
'yeah' Ava says
'I just took a mental note in my head if you guys got into a fight I'm sit you guys down in front of everybody and try to get to the bottom of it' Caitlin says, Ava nods in agreement
'me too' Ava says, Claire chuckles
'will play, will play' Claire says
'alright If you guys don't want to tell us then you don't have to' Addison says
'yeah whenever you guys want to makeup then you will on your terms' Dylan says, he looks at Claire
'we won't force you guys to tell us' Dylan says
'I told Addison after it happened' Caitlin says
'and I told Dylan after it happened too' Ava says
'so what I was left in the dark?' Claire asks
'No because drama gives you a headache literally' Ava says, Claire chuckles
'Good point, but what have you been fighting about if you keep it short though?' Claire asks
'we are been fighting over you' Ava says
'yeah when you went out to dinner with your parents the other night us four deiced to play a game who knows you better and it was between me and Ava and Addison and Dylan was asking the questions and keeping count and it ended up as a tie' Caitlin says
'and there was one question that stump Dylan and Addison because they didn't know the answer and only one of us got it right Caitlin thinks she got it right and I think that I got it right' Ava says, Claire shakes her head
'ok, ok, hold up, hold up' Claire says, she looks at them
'you guys have been fighting about an answer to a question about me?' Claire asks
'yes' Ava and Caitlin says at the same time
'alright I might know the answer, tell me the question and I will settle this once and for all' Claire says
'alright the question was who did you meet first me or Ava?' Caitlin asks
'ok who did you say?' Claire asks
'Ava' Caitlin says
'and I said the both us at the same time' Ava says, Claire smiles at Caitlin
'Ava is right I did meet you guys at the same time' Ava says, Ava raises her hands up
'thank you!' Ava says
'what!?' Caitlin asks
'how did you meet them at the same time?' Addison asks, Claire looks at her
'it was the first day of pre-school and these two was talking by themselves so I decide to join them and ever since that day we been best friends since then, and then other two of us turn our friendship into a romance' Claire says, she looks at Ava, and Ava smiles
'oh I must be thinking about the second day because I walk in and you two talking by yourselves' Caitlin says
'probably, and we always will work things out no matter how big or small and stupid they are' Claire says, they laugh
'so...' Claire starts saying, she looks at them
'are we good now?' Claire says, Caitlin smiles
'yeah I think we are' Caitlin says, Ava smiles
'yeah we are' Ava says, they hug then stops
'and look guys if you guys deiced to play that game again and you guys get stuck on that question just call or text me it and I will be happy to answer it, so that way we don't have to deal with this again' Claire says, they agree on that
'honestly though this isn't going to be the last time that any one of us is going to fight over something stupid' Ava says
'oh lord...' Claire starts saying, she puts her hand across her forehead again they laugh
'anyways but like my girlfriend also said, we'll always work it out at the end' Ava says, Claire looks at her and smiles and Ava looks back at her and smiles and looks back at Caitlin, Caitlin smiles
'that is true' Caitlin says, they both smiles at each other and hugs each other again then stops
'good we're at peace now' Claire says
'for now' Dylan says
'good point' Claire says
'I'll take you Caitlin and Dylan home if that's ok' Addison says
'yeah sure' Caitlin says
'sure free ride' Dylan says
they laugh so they leave Addison locks the door but keeps it open though because ava and Claire are still in there anyways Ava turns around and looks at Claire and smiles at her
'I have been thinking...' Claire starts saying before ava cuts her off
'Oh lord' Ava says, they laugh
'Anyways we haven't had an official date yet, so will you go on a date with me?' Claire asks
'yeah I would love too' Ava says, they both smiles and kisses
'can you drive me home, I have to talk to you about two things one is good and the other one not so good but I'm not breaking up with you I promise' Claire says, Ava smiles
'good and I can take you home lets go' Ava says
they make sure everything is normal then leaves and shuts the lights off and shuts the door too and Ava drives Claire home

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanficThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt