It's monday at school Amanda is at her locker then Savannah walks up to her
'Hey' Savannah says, Amanda looks at her and smiles
'Hey' Amanda says, she kisses her
'On Saturday I was going to tell you that you butt dial me twice but your know what decide to change the plans' Savannah says, Amanda puts her head on her locker door
'Oh my god, what embarrassing things did you hear?' Amanda asks
'That you just wanna be in my arms' Savannah says, Amanda smiles
'And after you said that I hang up because I know you have private conversations with your friends about me' Savannah says, Amanda blushes
'Oh man, I hate my life, anyways what was the second one?' Amanda asks
'Do you still feel, heartbroken, rejected, and stupid?' Savannah asks
'No, actually feel happy, grateful, and in love' Amanda says, savannah is in shock about that last one
'I should not have said that last one because judging by your respond it's way too early for me to say that, yeah ok I'll catch you later' Amanda says, she kisses Savannah on the cheek and leaves
Later that day Amanda, Brittany, and Hailey are walking down a hallway to meet Savannah at Amanda's locker because Savannah is going take Brittany and Hailey home and take Amanda home so that they can talk they turn the corner where Amanda's locker is at and Savannah is standing there wearing a black sweater, black jeans, and black boots, hair in a ponytail
'Control yourself' Brittany whispers, in Amanda's left ear, Amanda elbows her in the stomach, Brittany bends over in pain, Savannah looks at them
'Everything ok?' Savannah asks
'Yeah never better' Amanda says, she smiles and Savannah looks at her suspiciously
'She just had a bad lunch' Hailey says
'Yeah' Amanda says
'Yeah we're going to talk about that later, for now let me get you guys home' Savannah says, they head out
Savannah drop Brittany and Hailey off at their own houses and now she's at Amanda's house trying to figure out what happened to Brittany they are laying down on Amanda's face to face sideways
'So what really happened with Brittany, because I know when you're lying' Savannah says
'She always says the same thing to me every time I'm around you I know she's just joking but it's getting old now' Amanda says
'What does she keep saying?' Savannah asks
'control yourself' Amanda says
'mmmm i see both sides, I can understand her joking about you having a crush on me and you have to control yourself around me at that time but i agree with you she needs to stop with that joke especially because I feel like that she's making you hide your feelings for me and i don't like that because I want you to feel comfortable around me to talk about anything that you want to talk about remember you hide your feelings for me for like two years and I feel like she's putting you back in that position again that's what I'm getting at and that is making me mad the most' Savannah says, Amanda smiles
'That's one of the many reasons why I fell for you because you're always protective of me in a good way' Amanda says
'And I'll always well, I'll try my best to treat you right I'm not perfect and I have never dated a girl before' Savannah says
'You'll get use to it because I'm the only girl that you'll date' Amanda says, Savannah smiles
'Did you tell your parents about us yet?' Savannah asks
'Yeah, yesterday and they are happy that it's you and not someone that they have to pretend to like, they already know you they love you, what about you?' Amanda asks
'Yeah, yesterday too, my mom said it's about time, I'm like ok mom calm you fan girl when we get married in the future' Savannah says, Amanda laughs
'I can see that' Amanda says, Savannah chuckles
'Um can we talk about what happened this morning at your locker?' Savannah asks
'Yeah we can' Amanda says
'When you said that to me I froze and I was in shock too because nobody that I have ever dated said that to me and i may not be in love with you yet but i will be in future, as I was figuring out what my feelings towards you was, and what i figure out was that all this time especially through the hard times is that I love You' Savannah says, Amanda smiles
'I love you too and falling in love takes time it took me two years' Amanda says, Savannah smiles
'That is true' Savannah says, she kisses her then Amanda's dad David walks in the doorway
'Hey guys, whoa!' David says, he puts his hands over his eyes, they look at him and laughs
'Sorry about that but dinner is ready Amanda, Savannah are staying?' David asks
'Yeah dad she is and you can uncovers your eyes now' Amanda says, David does
'And hands above the waist that goes for both of you guys' David says
'Don't worry dad nothing well happen because I'm on my period' Amanda says
'Ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!, ew!' David screams, as he leaves he puts his fingers in his ears, they laugh
'He's a man child but you gotta love him' Amanda says
'Yup' Savannah says
'Come on dinner might be getting cold' Amanda says, they get up and goes has dinner

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt