ch. 77: Brittany's new home

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A/n mentioned of abuse please don't read if triggered and there's one more chapter after this one! 😱

A couple weeks later Brittany shows up at Amanda's house out of all of the parents she trusts Amanda's parents the most she knocks on the front door and kelly answers the door and sees Brittany standing there with a black eye and busted lip with a bag

'Oh my god, come in, David!?' Kelly says, she brings Brittany in and looks at her face

'Yeah honey' David says, when he walks out of the living room and looks at Brittany

'Oh my god' David walks up to them and looks at her face too

'Brittany honey who did this to you?' Kelly asks

'My dad' Brittany whispers, she hands them a blue envelope, David takes it and opens it

'He's in jail and he lost custody of me so if its ok with you guys can you take temporary custody of me until I turn eight-teen which won't be that long either, you're the only parents that i trust in my friend group' Brittany says, Kelly smiles

'I'm signing this right now!, because no man or woman should put their hands on their kid' David says

'You may want read it first just in case there's any loop holes' Brittany says

'Why don't you guys look it over and read it, and I'll take brit to my room' Amanda says, from the bottom of the stairs and Brittany hasn't heard that nickname in a long time

'Ok, Brittany take your stuff up to Amanda's room and we will read this very carefully' Kelly says

'Hailey and Savannah are on their way I had to tell them' Amanda says

'It's fine' Brittany says, she and Amanda goes to Amanda's room


Brittany puts her stuff down and Amanda shuts her door then walks up to her and just hugs her then Brittany just breaks down in tears then Hailey and Savannah gets there they see Amanda is sitting on her bed with her arms around Brittany who's laying on her chest Amanda looks at them and smiles a small smile Hailey lays behind Brittany and Savannah sits in front of them

'Is it just her face?' Hailey whispers

'Yes' Brittany says, she turns on her back and looks at Hailey, Hailey runs her hands over her face and kisses her on the forehead and Brittany cuddles up to her

'Did your parents sign the papers?' Savannah asks

'Yeah my dad took them down to police station' Amanda says

'How did this happened?' Hailey asks

'Brittany said it started two weeks ago when she told her dad that she broke up with Nick and started dating you, everyday he would ask her if she dump you and went back to Nick he would start hitting her, then tonight Brittany had enough of it and just ran away then come here, out of all our parents she trusts my parents the most' Amanda says

'Oh my god' Hailey says, Savannah rubs Brittany's leg

'You wanna switch positions?' Savannah asks Amanda

'Yeah I need your strong arms around me' Amanda says, Savannah chuckles

Amanda gets up and Savannah sits where she sat at and Amanda sits in between her legs back against Savannah's chest and she puts her arms around Amanda, they all sit in silence for awhile, you see Brittany's mom died when she was ten so it was just her and father


'How could someone hit their own kid?' Ava asks Claire, she just told ava what happened to Brittany tonight

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