Leslie and Mona are sitting on her bed laughing and talking this is after Mona is still alive Leslie asked Mona if she can get her medical records from radley
'So you went from one Montgomery to another' Leslie says, Mona chuckles
'Yup, Mike was lovingly but aria understands what I'm going through it makes it easier to trust her with anything I'm not saying Mike wasn't trusting its a different kinda of trust, you know?' Mona asks
'Yeah I do, I can see that she treats you good' Leslie says, Mona smiles
'So do you approve of aria?' Mona asks
'Yeah I do, I guess it runs in the Montgomery family' Leslie says, Mona Laughs
'Does your mom know that you two are dating?' Leslie asks
'Yeah, at first she just thought that I was just experimenting my sexuality but once she start to see that we was serious about this relationship then she finally accepted it and she loves aria' Mona says
'I'm happy for you guys, do you think that your girlfriend can get my medical records from radley?' Leslie asks, Mona smiles
'Thank you and I hope so' Mona says, then there's a knock on her Door Mona gets up
'That might be her as we speak' Mona says, she opens the door and it's aria and Spencer, Mona smiles
'Come in' Mona says, they walk in Mona shuts the door and turns around walks up to aria
'Did you get the medical records?' Mona asks
aria opens her bag up and pulls out Leslie's medical records and hands them to Leslie and she takes them opens it up and starts reading them
'Oh my god, you actually got them' Leslie says, Mona smiles
'Actually Spencer did she has long legs' Aria says, Leslie laughs
'How did you guys even get in?' Mona asks
'Well we had to climb up a tree and the window was too high for aria to climb up so I had to do it' Spencer says
'Well thank you guys' Mona says
'Yeah thank you guys' Leslie says
'Your welcome' aria says, Spencer can feel like the tension between aria and mona
'Hey Leslie do you want a ride back home?' Spencer asks, she looks at Spencer and tell that aria is in trouble with Mona
'Uh yeah that would be good thank you Spencer' Leslie says, she gets up and walks up to mona
'No problem' Spencer says
'Mona I'll call you tomorrow' Leslie says, Mona smiles
'Ok' Mona says
'Aria I'll see you tomorrow' Spencer says
'Ok' Aria says, they leave and Mona turns around and looks at aria
'Please don't kill me' Aria says, Mona chuckles
'No I'm not going to' Mona says, she walks up to her
'You're not' Aria says
'No, because what you guys just did for me and Leslie shows me that how much loyal you are to me and my friends' Mona says
'You have friends' Aria says, Mona pushes her playfully
'Rude much' Mona says
'So now what?, you're mom is out of town, what do we do now?' Aria asks
Mona smiles and Starts kissing her aria backs up and lay down on mona's bed Mona gets on top of her aria takes Mona's shirt off then Mona takes aria's shirt off then the pants comes off and you know the rest of it
It's the next morning Mona woke up already to get ready for school then aria wakes up and sits up then Mona walks in
'Good you're up, we have about an hour and hour to get to school on time so go get ready and we get something on the way there' Mona says, as she stands in front of her mirror to put her earrings in, she can see aria through the mirror and turns around and walks up to her she sits in front of her
'Babe, what's wrong?' Mona asks
'I don't know really i just keep thinking that your mom will walk in at any moment and see me like this then she'll put two and two together' Aria says, Mona smiles
'Ok one she won't be back until tomorrow afternoon and two she would text me to tell me that she's on her way back, so you don't have anything to worry about ok' Mona says
'Ok' Aria says
'Good come on get ready we're going to be late' Mona says, she kisses her and smiles she gets up and leaves then aria puts her robe on and leaves the room to get ready

Pretty little liars Growing up
FanfictionThe second book of pretty little liars. Everybody has gotten married and have kids well some of them them had to adopt