My Old Friend ~ 私の古くからの友人

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~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

I sat in my cold, dark room, alone. Same as usual. I could hear crickets from outside my window, younger kids playing catch in the field across the street with their parents.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I groaned, and rolled over to my side to plug my phone in.

"Damn it... I was comfortable..." I mumbled to myself before sitting up straight. "Coming!" I wonder what she could want... she was very busy most days so I was a bit surprised that she had some extra time to come and talk to me. I raced down the stairs, occasionally skipping and jumping over one.

"Mom?" I turn the corner to see my mom standing at the doorway. It seemed like she was trying to hide something from me, but I didn't think much of it.

"Sweetie!" She smiled warmly, the way she always did. "Look who decided to take a visit!!" Her voice got more excited every word she spoke. She stepped to the side, revealing somebody that I did not expect to see!

"I-" My face lit up. It was him! We hadn't spoken in so long! His hair was the same, still fluffy and a bit messy, his bright smile, his white t-shirt with Japanese lettering on it. "Izuku!!"

"(Y/N)!!" I ran over to him and held him in a tight embrace. He was signalling for me to get off of him, I must've been hugging him way to hard that he couldn't breathe xD

"How's UA?" I let go of him, resting my hands on his shoulders. I was very curious about what he was doing at school since I was one of the only ones who knew about his secret training with All Might before the entrance exam.

"It's... different than I expected! Everyone is so powerful!" The corners of his mouth began to lift, and then turned his attention over to my mom, then back to me. "Wanna go on a walk outside? We need to catch up!" I could tell that 'catching up' wasn't the only thing he needed to talk about, and he just didn't want my mom to hear any of it.

"Yeah, sure!" I reach over to the coat hanger to grab my blue sweatshirt. "We'll be back shortly, mom!" Izuku grabs my hand and yanks me out of the door.

"Ahh! I'm sorry!" He apologizes over and over again, for using a little bit of force on my arm.

"Don't worry about it. Anyways, tell me about UA!"

"Like I was saying, it's very different than I expected... Kacchan is still the same, but guess what!!" He grabs my shoulder.

"Hm?" I turn my head to look over at him.

"He got a friend!" He tilted his head to look at the ground. "I've been trying to make peace with him since we were 4, and one of my classmates was able to do it in three days!"

"Whatt???" I had never really liked Bakugo. Along with bullying Izuku for years, he was never nice to me either. His nickname for me was 'quirkless dumbass'.

"I wonder how he managed to get any friends at all." I mumbled to myself. "Who else is in your class? Are you classmates with any relatives of heroes??" I was super fascinated with heroes, though I gave up on my dream to become one once I found out that I was quirkless.

"Oh my god, yeah!" He went super fanboy mode. "I was really scared of this one guy at the entrance exam who told me to leave this one girl alone but I wanted to help and save everyone but I don't have any control over my quirk yet and so I thought he was going to yell at me but-" I paused him.

"Deep breaths. You're rambling." He took a deep breath. "Who were they?"

"Right, right, sorry! Anyways, the boy's name is Tenya Iida and I did some research and I found out that he is Ingenium's younger brother!!" His face lights up with excitement.

"Ingenium?? You mean like... the Turbo Hero??"


"Oh my goodness, is there anyone else??" He nods his head aggressively.

"Mhm!! Guess who else is in my class! Endeavor's son!!"

"Wait... WHAT??" I felt blood rushing through my whole body. Endeavor is the #2 hero!!

"Yeah! His name is Shoto Todoroki! He doesn't talk much, but he seems super powerful and smart!!"

"Well duh, his dad is the literal #2 hero, of course he's going to be powerful and smart!"

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