Immature ~ 未熟

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I lifted my sweatshirt over my head and slipped the purple shirt on, as well with the blue skirt. Wow, it fit perfectly! I untucked my hair from underneath the shirt and brushed it out a few times with my fingers, before I heard a knock on the door.

"Hello?" I reached for the door handle and twisted the lock.

"Hi!" It was Toga again. "Omggg!! That outfit is so cute on you!~" She squealed.

"U-Uhm..." I stuttered. "Where do I put my clothes that I just changed out of..?"

"Oh! I'll just take those!~ I'll hide them in the secret section of my closet!!" She rips my clothes out of my hand, and skips down the hallway. Hm, simple enough I guess.

I step foot out of the bathroom, trembling. What were they going to do to me? I know they said they were going to do some testing on me... but what kind? Is this going to kill me? I shook my head releasing the tension from my mind and thoughts. I noticed Toga skipping back down the hall, and without any time to think, she grabbed my hand and led me back into the main room, where Kurogiri was cleaning the bar table, Dabi was standing emotionless in the corner of the room, and Shigaraki was sitting in one of the seats next to the bar, his back facing Toga and I.

"Tomura!! Look who's back!!~" Toga smiles widely, and Shigaraki turns his head towards us. Toga tugs slightly at one of my sleeves. "I picked it out for her myself!!"

"Alright." Shigaraki sighs, and turns his head back to Kurogiri. "Would you like to start today or tomorrow? I'd say today just because I'd like to have her annoying energy out of here sooner rather than later, what do you think?" Start what-?

"The girl needs time to think, Tomura. We've just kidnapped a random girl off of the streets, and we all heard master say that the machines work most effectively when the test subject is calm and at ease." Kurogiri motions to me. "Besides, these tests can run from 2-5 days. Let her relax. Let's start tomorrow, 9 AM sharp."

"Ugh." Shigaraki groans, and reaches for his neck to start scratching again. "Fine. 9 AM sharp. Everyone better be ready tomorrow, I'm not going to deal with everybody's bullshit." He stands up, and glares at me. His stare was so intense. Full of hatred, anger... and mine was just full of absolute fear. He's angry at the world. I wonder why... He storms out of the room.

"My apologies, he can be a little... immature, sometimes." Kurogiri explains. "Anyways, we all didn't catch your name. If you're going to be living here with us, we need to know what to call you."

"O-Oh..!" I let out an airy laugh. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N)..!"

"(Y/N)! Such a pretty name!~ Makes me wanna cut you even more~" Toga reaches for her knife. Before trying to get at least one slice in-

"Cut it out, Toga. Tomura will be pissed if he finds out that you've taken a lot of her blood even before we used her to experiment with." Dabi's voice struck me.

"I agree." Kurogiri lowers his voice. "Tomura cannot control himself when he is angry."

"Yeah! It's really scary!" Toga adds in, Kurogiri sighs.

"Miss (Y/N), please follow me to your room. I'd suggest you rest before tomorrow." I turn my head to look at Toga and Dabi, who both nod in response. I return my glance back to Kurogiri, and I nod in response. He leads me down the hall to a small-ish room. It was right next to where Shigaraki sleeps, I guessed his room was next to mine because the icky door was closed and it looked like somebody had thrown tantrums around that door before. It wasn't colorful, which was fine, but it had a really depressing vibe to it. I stepped inside and looked around, trying to make myself happy in this place.

Before I knew it, Kurogiri was gone. I was left alone in this place that I knew nothing about, with people that I knew nothing about. I was left in a place with villains. Dangerous villains. Who knows... one of them could sneak up on me in the middle of the night and try to kill me... maybe the 'tests' tomorrow were actually a lie and they're just using this as an excuse to try and hurt me... or maybe they're going to use me for information- a way to get to the heroes- a way to get to UA. What if they're going for Izuku? What if they're planning something? What if-

I felt my consciousness fading in and out.

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now