Abandoned ~ 放棄された

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 "Woah, what are you asking? Join us?" He looked absolutely shocked.

"I mean... I gave up on my dream to be a hero a long time ago. When I found out that I was Quirkless, I realized that it wasn't worth it anymore, but after hearing all of your stories, I realized that... I understand you guys better. I feel safer around you guys, even though I've been completely helpless most of the time."

"...What? Are you being serious?" I nod my head, a small smile on my face.

"I am."

"Wow. I don't get it." He let out an airy laugh. "Nobody's ever said that to me before."

"Really?" I turn my head to Kurogiri, who realizes that I wanted to speak with Shigaraki alone.

"My apologies-" He whispers as he exits the room, along with Dabi (who couldn't care less), Toga (who was super curious), Twice (swooning over Toga), and Mr. Compress (doing who knows what).

"Shigaraki..." I turn my head back to him. His attention strikes back to me. "Remember when I had mentioned your family and dog on the way to the mall?" He still seemed to cringe at those words.


"Uhm." I paused, and took a deep breath. "What's your backstory?"

 "My backstory?" He looked surprised, probably since nobody would ever care to even ask him a question like that. "Well, if you really want to know..."

"I really do. I want to understand you better."

"Alright. You asked. I don't usually do this..." He looks around the room before speaking. "Let's start off with my family members. I had a mother and father, and an older sister. When I was a child, around the age of 3 or 4, I found out that my paternal grandmother was a hero, and I was absolutely amazed. You may know her by the name of Nana Shimura."

"Nana Shimura?? Wait, she's your grandmother???" I knew so much about her! Little did I know that Shigaraki was literally related to her!!

"Yeah, well, I wanted to be a hero too. I wanted to work alongside my sister, Hana, as well. My father was not very fond of this idea though, he thought that heroes just abandoned their families, since he had that experience with my grandmother. As a result, he would often put me outside to punish me, since I had a big fascination with heroes." He paused.

"The last time that ever happened was the last time I'll ever see them. Hana had found a picture of my grandmother in my father's office, and of course showed it to me, leaving me to get punished again. Nobody ever stood up for me. Not even my sister. After being punished, I obviously needed comfort, and my dog was all I had. I ranted to him about how I hated everything. How everybody would just leave me there to suffer."

"..." Wow... I didn't know that he had such a tragic backstory... I feel awful...

"That's when my quirk activated. As I hugged my dog, my quirk had activated without my knowledge, killing him. I was shocked, I didn't know what I was supposed to do, and that's when Hana came out to apologize for not standing up for me back inside, though quickly running away once she saw my dead dog lying in a pile of blood beside me. I tried to reach out to her... though accidentally disintegrating her as well, along with my mother... and eventually my father too... I ran to him for help, but all he did was try to protect himself. At this point, I was angry. I ran at him with full intent to kill him, because I had enough."

"I was alone. I was an orphan at this point. I roamed the streets, looking for somebody to come and save me... though everybody just walked past. That's when I realized that heroes do just leave people abandoned. But... that's when he came to get me. All for One- actually saved me. He adopted me, gave me a place to stay, and finally gave me a father figure that I felt safe around."

"You see these hands?" He pulls out a few hands from his pocket. "These are my family's. I was given these hands of my family to remind me that I could embrace my evil nature whenever I wanted. And these hands," He pulls out a few more. "These are just from two thugs on the street that I killed by doing just that."

"I... I had no idea..." I was speechless. I felt awful, I can't even imagine what that was like. I was lucky enough to have a roof over my head... I couldn't believe that people just passed a 4 year old on the street and didn't even bother to save him or at least help him?

"Don't even apologize. I later realized that everyone in my family was just a bunch of idiots. I no longer feel any guilt about their murders, and I hate every last one of them." He paused. "Especially my father."

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