Backstory ~ 裏話

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I had followed Shigaraki into his room, and it wasn't as gross as I thought it would be. Instead, it was just messy and filled with video games. What!! My eyes lit up, I literally loved playing stuff like this. Shigaraki lands on his bed, and puts his arms behind his head, resting on him. I stood awkwardly in the doorframe, before he motioned for me to step inside and close the door.


"Who are you?" Shigaraki asks out of nowhere.

"W-What? What do you mean by that?" I was a bit shocked. I thought he already knew who I was.

"No I mean, who are you?" That doesn't answer my question. He notices my confusion, and tries to come up with another way of wording his question.

"Do you have some sort of backstory or something? Something to make up for your boring persona." He turns his head to the wall and sighs.

"Uhm..." He's asking for MY backstory? What could he possibly use that for?

"Tell me about your parents."

"Okay.. um-" I paused for a second. "I don't remember much of my dad... I just remember he and my mom getting into a huge fight before he stormed off and left forever..." I started to tear up. "Why are you even asking me this?"

"I like to know people's backstories before using them." Wow, kind of a rude way to put it but go off I guess...

"I see..." I pause once more. "It's always been me and my mom... In the past, we didn't have much. I was lucky that my mom could even provide food for us. She was struggling with finding a job since my father was supposedly the reason we weren't poor."

I notice Shigaraki look up from his bed, and I continue with my story.

"I met Izuku when I was 4 or 5... I felt like he was the only one who could understand my struggles. We were basically inseparable. We would always watch TV and see All Might, saving thousands and thousands of people..." I trailed off my sentence. "I gave up on my dream to become a hero once I found out that I was Quirkless. I realized that I wasn't going to be able to achieve my dreams, though I still wanted Izuku to try and achieve his."

"I see." He turns his head away from me. I could tell that he was a lot calmer now. "Thanks."

I was a little surprised that he thanked me for that. Shigaraki reaches down from underneath his bed and pulls out two game controllers, and connects it to his TV.

"Wanna play?" He throws the controller at me. I catch it, and examine it for a second.

"This-!" I rubbed my fingers into the controller, getting a feel of it. "This is amazing!" Shigaraki made a small noise, indicating that he didn't want to wait longer for an answer. "O-Oh.. yes! Of course I wanna play!"



We played a bunch of games, a lot of them being different from each other. I actually beat him a few times! In all honesty...

I had fun.

He ended up screaming at me a few times, though it resulted in me laughing at him. To my surprise, we actually got along pretty well! I guess we just had a bad first impression of each other?

"Wow, I'm impressed." He unplugs the TV and throws the controllers underneath his bed.

"Haha, I told you I didn't suck!" I crossed my arms and laughed. "You're pretty good yourself, I mean, of course you are. You probably have a lot of experience with playing this kind of stuff, I don't usually play games often since I can never find my console."

"Anyways, we should probably go back to see Kurogiri and everyone else." He fixes his hand on his face, and walks out of the room. I was feeling much more... confident- than I did before. Were me and Shigaraki on good terms now? What just happened? I watched him walk out of the room with a blank look on my face, trying to wrap around my thoughts. I shook my head a tiny bit, breaking my stare, and followed him into the other room.

 "Tomura, come look at this." I hear Kurogiri say. He strikes Shigaraki's attention, and he walks over to Kurogiri holding a newspaper. He points at an article.

"UA sports festival?" Shigaraki seemed intrigued. Huh?

"Doesn't this seem interesting?" Kurogiri brings him closer, and whispers some stuff into his ear. I turn my head to look at Toga and Dabi, who were also genuinely confused. 

 "..." Dabi looked like he was about to say something, but he stopped himself.

"What!" Toga obliviously shouts out.

"It's nothing." He smirks.

"Wh-..." I was left confused.


I spent the rest of the night thinking about what Shigaraki said earlier. What could they be planning? What if they're going to- no. I can't even think of that? What if I tried to do something to stop them- I can't do nothing... but I have no choice. I'm Quirkless. What was I supposed to do?

I sat quietly in my dark room, only a few rays of sunlight seeping through the window. It was sunset, so the gleams of light were almost orangy. I didn't want to leave the room. I felt more unsafe at night considering that nighttime is when most crimes are committed, so I didn't plan on leaving my room. I could hear faint voices through the tiny cracks of the wall, though I didn't dare to listen in. What if they were talking about me? What if they wanted to try and do something?

I tried to calm myself down. I wanted to remind myself of all good things... but- it didn't seem worth it anymore...


Felt like a prisoner.

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