Touch ~ 接する

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~ (Y/N)'s POV ~ 

 I watched Shigaraki go over to 'talk' with Izuku. What were they going to talk about? What am I supposed to do here now...

 I wiped my tears away, and started to walk away from the area.

I trust Shigaraki. I don't know why, but I do. I couldn't wrap my finger around it. He was a villain. He was.. dangerous.. but...

I felt something slide against my hand. What? It was... gentle, yet- there was a bad vibe...

I turned my head, to see a tall young man, standing about 5'9", with black hair.

"Heyy- might I say that you look really beautiful, can I have your number?" The guy said, in an attempt to flirt with me. I noticed another boy standing behind him, seemingly excited.

"O-Oh... no thanks... I'm not- I'm not interested." I tried to walk away from them, only to be followed. They were being extremely creepy...

I had made my way down to the bottom level of the mall before turning a corner. I knew this mall by the back of my hand, so I decided that I could maybe try and hide in one of the secret areas that I knew of? Nope. Didn't work at all. The two boys followed me right there.

"Excuse me, why are you two following me?" I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. Before I knew it, I had been pinned against the wall. I was absolutely freaking out. I felt something slide up my leg, grabbing all sides of my thighs.

"I- I already told you I wasn't interested!!" I tried reaching down to pull the guy's hands off of me, but it failed. He pinned my arms to the wall, staring right into my eyes.

"..." There was an awkward silence before he creepily smirked at me. I was also keeping an eye on the other boy, who seemed amused, yet too scared to walk closer to us. I'm glad he stayed his distance. If he was anything like this guy, I could've gotten myself into so much trouble.

Suddenly, I felt him go in to kiss me. It was a rough kiss, so in an attempt to pull away, I picked my leg up to knee him in the stomach. Not enough to hurt him, but just enough to let me go. I knew what I was doing.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I was breathing heavily at this point, struggling to get out of his embrace.

"You looked lost," He put his hand on his neck. "I thought I should take you to a place you've never seen before! My bed." He creepily winked at me before going in for another kiss.

"Mgh!!-" I was losing energy by trying to escape.

I didn't want this.

I felt his hand go underneath my shirt, and moved it around to try and find my bra strap. I tried holding down his hand so he wouldn't be able to unhook my bra, fortunately, it had worked. He moved his other hand underneath my skirt, fiddling with my legs until I almost lost my balance. Everything was hurting now... physically and emotionally.

"Will you stop!? Leave me alone-!" I was shocked. Before my eyes, the guy started crumbling down into tiny clumps of dust, as well as the other boy, leaving behind only the person who was to blame. I raised my head up-

"Shigaraki!" I was shaking at this point, I was just in desperate need of comfort. I wrapped my arms around him for the second time today, this time, more memorable. I brought my mouth up to his ear to whisper, "Th-Thank you..."

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?? What happened?" He tightly embraced me. Before explaining the situation, I started to ball my eyes out.

"I- was walking.. away from you guys- when this guy- kept f-following me.. and so I tried to escape.. but- he just... ended up force kissing m-me..." My words were full of tears and sobs.

"I just called Kurogiri to-" He was interrupted by the purple portal that started to form around the area. "-come and get us. Come on, let's go." We both stepped into the portal, immediately being transported back to the League's base. I collapsed on my knees, completely losing my balance. I still had tears running down my face. Shigaraki helped me back to my feet.

He brought me down the hall to my room. He laid me down on the bed, though I didn't want to be alone right now. I felt safe around him... I tugged on his sleeve, signalling that I wanted him to sit down with me.

"What? Do you want me to stay?" I nodded my head aggressively. He seemed surprised, but sat down on the bed.

"I- don't want to be alone..." I wiped my face, though I was suddenly restrained.

Shigaraki had wrapped me in a tight embrace. I could hear his breathing really clearly, and it seemed to be faster than usual.

"I will never let anybody hurt you ever again."

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now