Reunited ~ 再会

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"Join us? As in the League of Villains?" Kurogiri looks at him, then at me, then back to him.

"She would be useful now that she has her hands on All for One." Dabi adds in.

"Let her in!!~ I like (Y/N)! I don't want her to leavee~" Toga pouts. "I need another girl around here!! There's too many guyss!"

"I agree. But Tomura, it is your call. You are the leader, after all." Kurogiri turns to him. Shigaraki looks down at me, his cheeks turning different shades of red.

"Well, I couldn't say no. Even if I wanted to."

"So does this mean..." My eyes lit up.

"Well, it seems the vote is unanimous. Welcome to the League of Villains, (Y/N)." Kurogiri says, opening his arms up.

"Shigaraki?" I turn my head towards him.


"I have one request," I paused. "I want to see Izuku one last time."

"Really? Even after what you saw at the mall, you still want to talk to him?" Shigaraki looked confused, though I nodded my head.

"Yes. And not only that, I want you to come with me," I look towards the hallway. "One second."

I run down the hallway, down to my room. I grab a pair of thin gloves, which were very comfortable. I had tried them on before due to an assignment at my school, so I knew these would work. I slowly walked back to everybody, holding the pair of gloves behind my back. I approach Shigaraki.

"Put these on." He gave me a look, but skeptical, he took the gloves out of my hand. He slid one glove on his right hand, and the other on his left.

"What are these for?"

"For this!" I reached for his hand, him pulling away instantly.

"Don't..." He looked afraid, like he didn't want to hurt me.

"Don't worry," I interlock my fingers with his, giving him a reassuring smile that I was still here and alive. His eyes lit up, and gently squeezed my hand.

"You're- still alive?" I nod my head, still smiling. I let go of his hand, and he immediately looked at his hands.

"Now then, I still want to see Izuku, I need to have a conversation with him..." I look at Kurogiri. He activates his quirk, the purple portal forming around us.

"Thank you!" I smile at him, and grab Shigaraki's hand to walk into the portal.

"Ugh... I hope that since she's part of the League now, she doesn't think she's better than all of us..." Dabi scoffs under his breath.


We finally arrive at UA high.

"How are we going to get inside? How do we know that they're even here?" I look at Shigaraki.

"Oh, I know a way." He put the hand on his face, and stepped in front of the security camera. Suddenly, the alarm starts going off, and I hear an obnoxious voice calling out to students.

"Everybody! Please remain calm! The pro heroes will deal with this!"

"Iida, shh...! He might hear you!" I hear a female voice try and keep him quiet. I see a big group of students come running towards the front of the school.

"Ah, nice meeting you again, isn't it?" Shigaraki puts his hands in his pockets.

"T-Tomura Shigaraki!" I hear a familiar voice call. I turn my head and-

There he was!

Shigaraki locked eyes with Izuku, indicating that he wanted him to come over to us. Izuku took a step to the side, trying to see who else was standing there.

"(Y/N)?? He gasps, and runs over to me. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"..." I looked at him sadly. "I'm fine. I guess you didn't care enough to come save me, I was gone an entire week without hero recognition."

"I-" He paused. "I was trying! I really was! I tried alerting everywhere I was able to! Please, believe me!"

"Oh really? If you were trying, then I knew that my mom would've tried to come and save me too!"

"We can save you now!!"

"You wouldn't be able to-" I turn my head to Shigaraki. "And even then, I don't want that." I smiled at him, waving my finger so that he could come closer. He slides one of the gloves on.

"What?" Izuku looked a bit shocked, more concerned. I slid my fingers in between Shigaraki's, and looked at Izuku.

"L-Let go of him! He's a villain! He's dangerous!"

"No, no, I don't think I will. I like him. He's a pretty cool guy to be around!" Izuku was left speechless.

"He could kill you!" I hear the female voice call again, her running over to us, revealing that it was the same brown haired girl from before.

"Oh, he wouldn't do that to me."

 "W-What?" Both Izuku and the brown haired girl were trembling in fear. Shigaraki brushed his fingers through my hair, causing me to smile. I couldn't feel his actual hands due to the gloves, but I still knew that it was him.

"Let's go." I smirk at Izuku, and walk away from them, following Shigaraki. Everybody was left speechless, not knowing what they were supposed to do or say.

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now