The End ~ 終わり

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We headed back to the base, but I kept thinking about what Izuku had said.

"I was trying! I really was! I tried alerting everywhere I was able to! Please, believe me!" Was he though? Wouldn't I have heard about it? Shigaraki would've been super angry if he found out, but he was more focused on the quirk machines with Kurogiri. That makes me wonder if... Izuku actually tried or not.

 "Are you okay?" I hear Shigaraki's voice from beside me. I nod my head, though I was still confused. If Izuku had tried to save me... I wouldn't be here with Shigaraki right now. I would be with my mom, with Izuku, with his friends. But really, if he tried, wouldn't he be more focused on trying to find me instead of making out with this random girl from his class at the mall?

 Now that makes me think, why wouldn't he come to save me? Was he too busy with his hero work? Or did he just not care enough? Did he think that a pro hero would come and do all of the work, but instead, nobody showed up? If that's true, then that means that the League of Villains has been correct all along, that heroes just leave people abandoned and left for dead.

 I didn't want to leave the League of Villains. I want to stay here with them. I didn't want to leave Shigaraki mostly. I knew that Toga wanted another girl around, since it seems like she is the only one, and I actually want to get closer with her, despite how crazy she is. I want to be able to feel comfortable around everybody. I think that I could be a lot of help now that I have All for One, which I'm still genuinely shocked about.

 Maybe I could even meet the League's master!


Over the course of a few months, my relationship with Shigaraki had strengthened. I had embraced my evil ways, and I had gotten a bit of training from the members of the League themselves. I was finally starting to gain control over my quirk! I was actually a big help to them! I felt like I was... needed. Like I meant something, and I wasn't just a piece of trash that you just throw out when you don't need it anymore. I was helpful, and they didn't seem to even hate me! I felt like this was my new home...

 And Shigaraki, he actually made me feel- loved. I cared about him so much, and it felt like he did the same. The gloves had been working for him, though it can get annoying, he still loves to hold my hand and stuff. I can tell! Sometimes he won't even let go of it because of how touch deprived he is. I could finally understand everybody, and I felt like they could understand me a bit more. It made me feel really... happy.

 Maybe I wasn't so stupid...

Maybe I actually meant something to someone...

Maybe I was special...

Maybe I wasn't just a useless freak after all.

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now