Realization ~ 実現

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 I woke up the next morning feeling so... alone. Will anybody ever come to try and save me from this place? I let the thought sink it. What if nobody ever came? What if I'm stuck here with these villains forever? I hear a slight knock on the door.

"(Y/N)!!~" I hear Toga call from behind the door.

"Hm?" I reply, and walk over to the door. Before I could even place my hand on the handle, she bursts in.

"Hii!! Tomura said he needs to talk to you!" She brightly smiles. It's too early for this.

"Oh, o-okay!" I smile back, and brush my fingers through my hair, trying to make myself presentable. I exit my room, in hopes to find Shigaraki.

"(Y/N)." I turn my head to the side.

"S-Shigaraki!" What I saw in front of me was Shigaraki- barefaced?? No hand or anything! He was wearing his regular sneakers and pants, though he was wearing a plain black hoodie.

"What?" He asks, confused. I draw an air circle around my face, hinting at why I was so shocked. It clicks in his brain, and he mumbles, "Oh."

"Why did you need to talk to me?"

"We're going out." He bluntly states.

"What? Where? Why?" Oh, that's right... I completely forgot that Kurogiri was repairing the quirk machines and Shigaraki was put in charge of handling me.

"We're going to the mall, I have some business to take care of." He stands up from his bed and brushes his hoodie down. He throws a black skirt and black t-shirt with some Japanese words on it. "Put this on." Hm.. this was actually a cute outfit, what is it with villains and having good style?

"Okay..." I walked down the hallway down to the bathroom that I had first changed in earlier in the week. I held the outfit up to my body, and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled at myself.

"What if... I just need to look at things from a different angle." I paused. "What if living here with villains... isn't so bad?" I looked down at the pile of clothes in my hand. "I mean... I'm provided with everything that I need to survive..."

 I slid my skirt and shirt off. I looked at myself once more in the mirror before I decided to completely change into the outfit that I was given. I fiddled with the elastic band on my wrist so that I could tie my hair up into a neat half ponytail. The skirt was a little too short on me, but luckily I had a pair of black tights in my room... which was- past Shigaraki's. I just had to make it past his room. I could run past it- but what if the skirt flies up?

I decided to go for it. I needed to get my tights one way or another, and standing around would just make Shigaraki angrier. I slightly grabbed the doorknob, and twisted it to open the door. I managed to make it halfway down the hall before Shigaraki walked out of his room.

"..." He looked at me. Um... I'm pretty sure I saw him double take. I noticed his cheeks turn pink-ish, much different from his normal, pale skin tone.

"I-" I let out a noise before running down the hall to grab my tights. I slid them on underneath my skirt. Great. Now this outfit is perfect. I put on my black combat boots and walked out of my room to go find Shigaraki.

 "Shigaraki?" I turned the corner, and saw him sitting on one of the bar stools. He was looking down at his phone, probably scrolling through some app. He lifted his eyes off of his screen, and closed out of his phone to put it in his pocket.

"Ah, you're done." He stands up and puts his hands in his pocket.

"Does this outfit look okay on me..." I pulled down my skirt using only a few fingers. "Please tell me I don't look like a hoe-" His eyes wandered, finally landing on my face. His cheeks started turning rosey, before he turned his back to me.

"You don't look like a hoe. You look fine." He started making his way towards the door. I followed obediently, walking towards him.

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now