The League ~ リーグ

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My body was numb, though I was starting to gain consciousness back. My eyes were glued shut. Was I knocked out? Did I pass out? What happened? All I could remember was the creepy man bringing me into a purple portal, nothing else. My memory was pretty fuzzy at the moment.

    I was too scared to open my eyes. What if he sees me? What if he tries to kill me? I wiggled my fingers, trying to bring the feeling back into them. I could hear faint voices in the room next door.

    "What are we going to do with her? She can't do anything useful for us." I heard a male say.

    "Lemme cut her again already! Ughhh~ the waiting is killing me! When will she wake up??" I heard a younger female voice whine. Woah woah... what??? Again??

    "I know. She's quirkless. That's the exact reason why I brought her here." I heard the same male voice from before. It was him again. His scraggly voice was almost impossible to forget.

    "Do you think she'll wake up soon? It's been a while already."

    "I don't know."

    I felt a shiver run down my back, causing my eyes to open without my control.

    "I'll go check on herrr!~" The female voice called again, getting closer and closer. Shit.

    I hid my hands in my sleeves as I backed up against the wall I was next to. I did NOT want to take any chances with this girl, no matter who she was. Soon enough, the door slammed open.

    "Oooooh!!! She's finally awake!!!" She squeals. "Hii!! I'm Toga! Himiko Toga!" She creepily smiles at me.

    "H-Hi???" My body started to shake.

    "Toga. Calm down. You're scaring her." A taller male with black hair and scars says from behind. I feel like I've seen these guys on TV before or something... wait! Holy shit... this can't be...

    "Awwwee... you're such a party pooper!!" Toga pouts.

    "W-Who are you?" I manage to spit out, my body still uncontrollably shaking.

    "Oh! Him! That's Dabi!!" She looks at the taller man, and then back at me.

    "W-Who was the man that took me here-" I stopped my sentence. The man from before walked in the room and stood in between Dabi and Toga.

    "Ahh, look who's awake." The man had a slight alter in appearance now. He was now wearing a long black jacket, and a hand on his face. Oh my god... I know who this is!!!!! This can't be!! If i'm correct, this guy is ranked #9 of all villains!! I decided to go for it.

    "You- You can't be..." My arm raised up to point at him. I knew who this person was. Izuku told me about a group of villains that attacked his class in a special training facility... this must be... 

    "Y-You're- Tomura Shigaraki.. Right?"

    "Smart girl." He smirked from underneath his hand. He put his arms into the shrugging position. "You figured me out."

    "You-!" My eyes held true terror. "You're ranked #9 in the villain charts!" My memory started fading back. The- the other two!

    "You!" I held my hand out to point at Toga, her looking surprised. "You're ranked #19! Your quirk allows you to take the blood of somebody else and use it to transform into them!"

    "And you!" I pointed at Dabi. "You're ranked #7!!" He starts laughing.

    "Hahaha, Tomura, I told you I would surpass you!" He nudges his arm.

    "Not for long. I am still superior to you in the league!" Shigaraki shoots his eyes at Dabi.

    "It's not my fault that I have a stronger and more controllable quirk." Dabi smiles at Shigaraki.

    "You did NOT just go there." I could sense Shigaraki's voice getting angrier.

    "Oooooh~ yes he did!" Toga says, getting excited. Just as Shigaraki and Dabi were going to attack each other in front of me, the portal guy walked into the room.

    "Ahem." He coughs just enough to get their attention. "This is child's play. Both of you. Keep your eyes on what's important. The girl." He turns his 'head', more like purple fog, towards me. "Ah, my apologies. My name is Kurogiri. I am the one who serves and protects Tomura."

    "I- I know you too! You're ranked #6 in the villain charts!!" My fear towards them slowly started going away, and I felt a bit more comfortable talking around them now.

    "How do you know so much about us?" Shigaraki fixes himself up and immediately starts scratching at his neck, a few flakes of dry skin falling off.

    "I did a project on you guys when I was in middle school. It was a small subject where we were learning on how to defend ourselves if a villain came to attack." My body started to shake again. "W-Which is why I'm grateful for that project now! What do you want from me??" Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, and Kurogiri all exchange looks. Shigaraki motions at Kurogiri to start speaking, and he clears his voice.

    "We brought you here to use you as a test subject." Kurogiri says, more emotionless this time. I stare at him in fear and confusion. "We have recently made machines that can artificially give somebody a quirk. Toga ran a few tests on you by using her quirk, and we have come to a conclusion that you are Quirkless, correct?"


"Alright. Good."

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now