Testing ~ テスト

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 I felt my consciousness fade in and out. I remember everything though... I started to lose my vision, but I could still hear. They seemed... concerned. Genuinely, too.

~ Flashback, Shigaraki's POV ~

"(Y/N)!" Toga called out. She was out. I don't know if it was just me, or was she acting different than usual? She seemed... really distracted. Like there was something on her mind that she couldn't get rid of.

I already wasn't in a good mood. I was trying to see if I could find Midoriya again, since I had unfinished business with him. Last time I talked to him, it was cut short due to those two... those two fucking hoes. Do they even know what manners are? I had to get my hands dirty because of them. Though, it was worth it... I saved her. I knew she didn't want that. What girl wants to get sexually harassed at the mall for just walking around? Men these days need to learn self control.

Anyways, back to what I was saying before. Of course I was with Twice, dealing with him. I had to come back to the base early because I thought that he was going to blow our cover. He kept talking and talking, though I just wanted to finish my business with Midoriya.

"Tomura, bring her to her room. She probably needs rest. She seems like she's thinking a lot about something, and just needs alone time." Kurogiri turns over to me.

"Oh, of course..." I stood up from my chair and walked over to her. She had probably just fainted, which isn't terrible, though she probably does need more rest. I picked her up from the floor, and brushed a few clumps of dirt off of her. I held her in my arms for a few seconds, looking at how peaceful she was, yet... something was wrong. If she was completely fine, then she wouldn't have fainted.

I carried her back to her room. I laid her down on the bed, though I was still a little confused.

I wanted her to tell me if something was wrong. I could never hurt her... what's the point. I knew she just thought I was a freak and that she didn't want anything to do with me after I let her go. Who would wanna spend their life with a villain? I wouldn't...

~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

I felt my eyes slowly open. I was alone in my room. I had gotten so used to waking up here, even though it's only been a week, it seems like it's been longer.

I heard a knock on my door.

"(Y/N)? May I come in?" I hear Kurogiri's voice from the other side of the door.

"Mhm..!" I tried making myself look more presentable, brushing my fingers through every strand of hair. He slightly opened the door, peeking his 'head' into my room.

"I've come to inform you that our quirk machines have been repaired, this time I'm pretty sure that they work perfectly." My pupils widened, out of fear. I was still scared to use those machines... What if I'm called a freak again? Those words have haunted me ever since I was a child...

"O-Oh! Really?" I questioned, bringing myself back to my feet.

"Yes. If you would follow me, you seem much calmer than when we tried before earlier this week." He motions for me to walk down the hall with him, and I obediently follow him.

 We walk into the room from before, still slightly hidden behind the bar counter. Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, Twice, and Mr. Compress were there as well. Shigaraki was standing in the corner of the room, only wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and one of his hands, waiting for me to sit down in the chair.

I brought my attention to everybody in the room before sitting down. Kurogiri and Shigaraki looked nervous, like they were keeping something from me.

"Kurogiri." Shigaraki wiggles his finger at him, telling Kurogiri to come over to him. I saw him whisper something in his ear, Kurogiri responding with shock.

"Tomura, are you sure...? Can she even handle that?" He sounded like he was in disbelief.

"I can figure it out. Plus," He mumbled something under his breath, loud enough for Kurogiri to hear, but not me.

"I see." He walks over to me and types something into a little pad on the side of the machine, sighing. Should I be nervous?

I felt something happen. I felt really stressed- like I had strained all of my muscles at once. My body was in a lot of pain, though I couldn't show it to anybody.

 "Are you okay? How do you feel?" Kurogiri walks over to me.

"I..." I could barely even speak.

"You gave her too much! I'll fix it." Shigaraki walks over to the machine and presses a few buttons, easing the pain. "Better?"

"Holy shit..." I put my hand on my chest to try and regulate my breathing. "My body felt terrible... I felt like all of my muscles had been strained and that everything hurt..."

"Typical." Kurogiri adds. "I apologize, I must've given too much of the power."

"What quirk was I given anyways?" I asked, actually wanting to know. Kurogiri and Shigaraki exchanged looks.

"Do you want to explain?" Kurogiri turns to him.

"Hm." Shigaraki walks over to me. "Sure."

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now