Flutter ~ フラッター

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 I fell asleep last night around 11 PM, and surprisingly, I slept well. I wasn't- scared... I wasn't afraid, I actually felt really good. Instead, I felt this... feeling inside. I didn't know what it was. It felt different, but really good- like I wasn't alone, I guess? It was hard to explain. I felt like living here with villains wasn't bad at all now.

I picked my head up from my pillow, disappointed that Shigaraki wasn't there anymore. I remember last night... he was here, comforting me.. I guess he went back into his room?

Everything that happened last night just makes me wonder... why hasn't he tried to hurt me at all? I'm a very easy target... I'm Quirkless, basically helpless. And Shigaraki... he hasn't even put a tiny scrape on me. Why is that? He's the leader of the League of Villains, yet he's so caring towards me? Nothing makes sense...

I stood up, still a bit wobbly on my legs. I ran my fingers down my skirt, immediately pulling it off, as well as my shirt. I could still remember the guy's dirty touch... I just wanted to make myself feel clean again. I grabbed the closest outfit that I could find, which happened to be just a black sweatshirt and black leggings. I didn't really care what I looked like right now, I just wanted to be comfortable and not feel like I just had somebody touch me-

I slowly walked out of my room, and peeked my head around the corner, to see who was in the main area. I saw Toga, Dabi, and Kurogiri. Toga was sitting next to the wall, Dabi was of course standing next to her in the corner of the room, and Kurogiri was drying glasses at the bar.

"(Y/N)!!!" Toga lit up and ran over to me to give me a big hug. I still wasn't very steady, so when she jumped on me to hug me, I lost my balance and fell over. Everybody jumped a bit, a bit surprised.

"Hey hey hey, are you okay?" She asks, confused. "Why'd you fall over?~"

"U-Uh.." I didn't really want to talk about it, but I felt like I had to, or else she would keep asking and asking over and over again, trying to get it out of me. "Something happened yesterday... I don't want to talk about it..."

 "Huh?" She looked over to Dabi, wanting an answer from him, though probably could've known that he had no idea what happened either.

"You two, please don't ask. It must be personal." Kurogiri mentions, and I was very grateful that he was there when he was, because I knew that Toga would just keep asking.

I heard footsteps coming from the hallway. Was it him??

No, it wasn't.

Mr. Compress had turned the corner, walking towards Kurogiri. Why do I keep thinking about him... no matter how much I try, I can't really get him out of my head..

"Kurogiri, have you any idea where Tomura went?" He asks, taking a seat on one of the stools of the bar. I was wondering the same thing.

"He went out to take care of some small business, he should be back shortly. I'm pretty sure he's out with Twice." Kurogiri responds, placing the last glass on the table alongside the towel.

"Ah, I see. That's where he went."

 I wanted to shake the thoughts out of my head. He was a villain. I couldn't forget that. But even though I know how dangerous he is... I don't care. There were so many thoughts I had that I just couldn't get rid of...

"(Y/N)?" I hear Kurogiri call. I snap out of my daze. Everybody was looking at me, confused.

"Huh?" I blink twice, trying to make my vision less blurry. I looked around the room.

"Are you okay? You were spacing out." Kurogiri grabs the towel from the bar, and places it in the cabinet below.

"It's nothing...!" It wasn't nothing.

"Hm." He looks at me, a bit confused. Suddenly, we hear the door open. I felt my heart start beating faster.

Shigaraki walks into the room, Twice following, seemingly very annoyed. He wasn't wearing any of his hands, just his normal black hoodie. He softly groans before sitting down next to Mr. Compress. I didn't think to ask, I knew that he would probably get mad at me if I said anything.

"Kurogiri, do you still have that picture of Midoriya?" Shigaraki leans against his palm, elbow on the table. He seemed like he had been dealing with something annoying, which I had found funny because he was out with Twice this whole time.

"Yes, I do." Kurogiri hands him a picture of Izuku from the sports festival, one I had seen many times before.

Yes, I was still angry with him. I really didn't know how I was supposed to feel, I didn't even know that girl. Who was she? Why didn't I know her? She was probably just one of his classmates, or maybe more... who knows... I was getting over it, I've just been more distracted with my own thoughts. My thoughts about a fucking villain.

What was wrong with me? I shouldn't be considering these villains my friends... they kidnapped me! I can't just forgive and forget. That's not how it works. But even then... I can't stop thinking about him... I get flustered around him, or even the thought. I can't even control myself. He- He's the leader of the League of Villains. He is evil. He is dangerous. He's hurt people. He's done terrible things. Why does none of this matter to me?

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