Changing ~ 変化

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 "When c-can I go home..." I ask, knowing that somebody might get angry.

"When we are done using you." Shigaraki continues scratching his neck.

"Might be a while, you'll have to live here with us, even if it is very annoying and if none of us want it." Dabi explains. Toga started getting very ancy.

"Can I dress her???" She giggles, and I could tell she really wanted to. She was wearing a Japanese schoolgirl outfit, so I don't know how good her sense of style would be.

"If it pleases you, go ahead. We have no reason to object." Kurogiri lowers the fog on his head a bit.

"Yayyy!!!!~" Toga squeals.

"Don't be long. We have a lot of work to do, you know that." Shigaraki tugs on his jacket and exits the room, along with Kurogiri and Dabi, and I was left alone with Toga.

"Hiii!!" She gets up in my face. I noticed her fangs, which I decided I would stay clear of. "Follow me! I have a lot of girly clothes in my room!" She skipped towards the door, and tilted her head, telling me to 'Come on! Follow me!'. I followed her down the hall, before stopping at a door that read, 'Toga <3'. She ran into her room and jumped on her bed, causing me to release a tiny laugh. She sure was playful.

I took a tiny look around her small room, seeing pictures of big heroes with X's on top of them. My eyes paused when I came across a picture that caught my attention.

"Izuku?" I questioned, loud enough for her to hear.

"IZUKU!!" Toga bolted over to me and ripped the picture out of my hand, and held it close to her face.

"Woah!! What are you doing??" I pulled the picture down just enough to see her face, but not enough to release her grasp from it.

"He's the boy I like!! :))" Her cheeks turned bright red, as well as a very large smile formed on her face.

"You have a crush... on Izuku??" I was shocked. "He's my best friend!!"

"WHAT????" She almost fainted after hearing that. "Can you take me to him sometime??? I love him<3 Pleaseee???" She wrapped her arms around my waste, begging for me to show him to her sometime.

"Sure..." I said, very unsure of myself. I knew that I wasn't going to have her meet Izuku again, it would be too dangerous for the both of us, considering she's even on the villain charts.

"OMG thank you!!!" She started to calm down a lot, her breath returning to her normal resting type. "Anyways!~ look! This is a cute skirt, ooh! And a cute top to go with it!!" She pulled out a blue skirt with star designs and a purple long-sleeves shirt with a moon on it. "It matches your (h/c) hair!!" She held it up to my body and smiled widely. "And it looks like it would perfectly fit!!"

"Hm.." I took the shirt and skirt out of her hand, crumpled them up into a ball, and held them in my hand. I had to admit, the outfit was actually really cute. I guess Toga did have a sense of style after all!

"Go try it on!!!" She grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to push me out of the door. I tried resisting for a few seconds, but it really wasn't worth it. We reached the door.

"Oh, hey Tomuraa!!~" Toga cheerfully called out, continuing to push me.

W h a t ?

I had been completely pushed into Tomura Shigaraki himself. My face hit right at his chin, considering that I was 5' 5". I backed myself up to the wall, completely embarrassed.

"I am SO SO SO sorry!!!!" I rambled. I noticed a pink dusting on his cheeks.

"Watch where you're going." He replied coldly, and turned around to walk away from me. Wow... he's moody... is he always like this?

"Jeez... okay." I rolled my eyes at him, and walked the opposite direction to reach the bathroom. Once I reached the bathroom, I locked the door and looked at myself in the abnormally large mirror. Am I really going to be living here? With the League of Villains? What will happen to Izuku... I have no way to protect myself since I'm Quirkless... what am I going to do?

I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head. I had to accept it. I had been kidnapped by Tomura Shigaraki and the League, and I had no power to change it at all.

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now