Encounter ~ 出会い

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Author's note: From this point on until the end of this part, I will be using dialogue from Episode 38: Encounter. I will be mixing up the real reason why Shigaraki needed to talk to Midoriya, but I will be using a lot of their actual dialogue from the episode.

~ Shigaraki's POV ~

 Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka... what a coincidence. I actually wanted to go to the mall today for the sole purpose of finding Midoriya. I needed to talk to him about something. How convenient that he would be right here, right now.

I look down at (Y/N). She looked so... sad... I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Stuff like this usually doesn't happen, especially being a villain. People usually run away from me and scream. She was... different. She didn't run away, my god, she didn't even try to escape! She must've known that if she tried she would just get in more trouble, and that I would just find her again. I haven't hugged anybody in a long time too... I can't even remember the last time. Must've been when I was still 4... Her hugs felt, so nice, so calming, so-

Stop it.

Right. I can't think such thoughts around her...

"I'll be right back." I squeeze her once again, trying to do my best to make sure that she was going to be okay. I was also making sure 100% that I was not landing all five of my fingers on her... I really didn't want her dead...

I stood up, and began walking towards Midoriya and Uraraka.

 "Oh, it's someone from UA, nice!" I say. Midoriya looks up at me, surprised, but shocked at the same time.

"I want an autograph!" I grab his arm and stand him up, walking him away from Uraraka.

"Uh..." He gasps, trying to gather his thoughts.

"You were the one who got beat to hell at the sports festival, right?" I put my arms around him, and smile underneath my hood. I glance at (Y/N), who, I could tell, was laughing underneath the hand that was covering her hood. I let out a small laugh, trying not to make it obvious of who I was.

"Uh... yeah-?" He seemed super confused.

"Aren't you one of the students who ran into the Hero Killer in the Hosu incident, too?" I was trying my best to sound like a creepy fan of his, but honestly I could have cared less about him. "You're practically famous!"

 "You sure do know a lot..!" He seemed really creeped out, so I brought him down the balcony away from Uraraka and (Y/N). Passing (Y/N), I smiled at her, trying to reassure her.

"What can I say, I'm just a big fan of yours!" I say, getting closer to his ear. "I can't believe I'm running into you again." He gasps, and lifts his glance up to me.

"Wh..." He looked absolutely shocked.

"It makes me think that it might not be a coincidence." I whisper in his ear, pulling him even more away from the crowd. "No, no... this feels like destiny..." I carefully place my hand on his neck, hovering my middle finger above it, making sure not to kill him right then, right there.

 "Oh right, from your point of view, we haven't met since the attack on UA!" Midoriya gasps, finally realizing who I was. In order to save himself, he probably figured that screaming for help wouldn't do him much good, since I could kill the boy in seconds. I lift my head up, revealing my actual identity.

"Why don't we spend some time catching up, Izuku Midoriya?"

 "Tomura... Shigaraki...!" He whispers under his breath, loud enough for me to hear. His stare was intense, though full of fear and shock.

 "Shh. Act natural, don't make a scene. I'm just an old friend who ran into you at the mall!" I tried to calm him down so others wouldn't get suspicious, but knowing him, that would be a bit hard to do. I lowered my voice a bit more.

"Calm down and wipe that look off of your face. I think we should have a conversation, is all. A friendly chat!" He relaxed his face, making our interaction less weird and awkward. "Oh, and of course, if you try to run away or fight me in any way..." I wiggled my middle finger, the finger that was hovering over his neck. "Well, it'll be fast. Soon as all five of my fingers touch your neck, your throat will be the first thing that disintegrates. In a matter of seconds, you'll be nothing more than dust and powdered bone."

"I-If you do that here where there are so many people... a hero will come and catch you in no time. You couldn't escape!" He did have a point. I couldn't risk blowing my cover, and especially, I'm literally keeping an innocent girl hostage with the League of Villains. She could run away anytime. But yet, she doesn't... she could run right now. But she- isn't.

"I don't doubt that." I raised up my hand to show everybody walking around the mall and having a good time. "But just look at these sheep! Any one of them could use their quirks and start a massacre whenever they wanted! And yet they're all here... smiling! They think laws and rules will protect them, because they assume that everyone has their same morals. They're convinced nothing bad could ever happen to them!" I let out an airy laugh, tightening my grip on his neck a bit.

"After you, I could kill 20... 30... maybe even more before a pro showed up and managed to stop me!" I felt Midoriya loosen his fists, relaxing fully. Had my little random monologue worked on him? So stupid.

"I- I get it. Let's talk." I laugh a bit louder, still sounding very creepy to him. I didn't blame him, though I didn't want him to be so suspicious when we talked.

"This is nice! A real moment. Let's go grab a seat and get comfortable, why don't we?" I loosened my fingers on his neck, going back to the way I had originally started with.

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