A New Beginning ~ 新しい始まり

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 "AAH!" I screamed. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god..." I was hyperventilating. What was that? That was insane...

Not to my surprise, nobody came. I had screamed at the top of my lungs and nobody decided to come and check up on me. I felt tears run down my face as my body shook intensely. I managed to lift myself up from the bed, and walk over to the wall next to the door. I collapsed onto the floor and tucked my legs underneath my arms.

I heard a knock on my door.

"H-Huh?" I spit out.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Shigaraki's voice through the door. My heart was pounding. My mind was going insane. He's going to kill me. I know it. Just like my dream...

"W-What..." He struggled to open the door, only to realize it was locked from the inside.

"Unlock the door." I reached my hand up and twisted the nob, unlocking the door. Soon enough, the door slammed open.

"It's 9 AM. Are you rea-" He turns his head to look at me, trembling on the floor. "Oh. I guess Kurogiri was wrong. Sleeping wouldn't calm your annoying ass down."


"Why are you so unsettled here, anyways?" He rests his elbow on the doorframe, and leans against it.

"I- I had a terrifying dream last night.." I started to tear up a bit more, though knowing that he would probably judge me.

"Oh, so that's what this is about?" He sighs underneath his hand. "Kurogiri, do we have any more of those relaxation drugs?"

"I believe so. Why, has she not relaxed yet?" Kurogiri responds from the hallway.

"Yup." Kurogiri enters the room and hands Shigaraki a cup of water, and two tablets of some sort. He kneels down to me.

"Take this. It's meant for relaxation, it won't hurt you." I was hesitant at first, but I decided to take the cup of water and two tablets from out of his hand. I placed the tablets inside of my mouth, and swallowed them with some water. They tasted disgusting, though it was sort of an instinct to gag if I swallow stuff whole.

Within seconds, my heartbeat returned back to normal, and I stopped shaking.

"Perfect. Now, ready?" I nodded my head, and began to follow him into a secret room, separate from the rest of the area. It was a semi-hidden door behind the bar, blending in almost perfectly to the wall. Kurogiri was standing next to the door, holding it open. I was so nervous, yet my body wouldn't convey that. It wouldn't shake, I couldn't sweat, cry, anything. Everything felt numb.

I walked into the room to see a reclined chair, with a bunch of machines surrounding it. Dabi and Toga were there too, along with some more League members.

"Who- Who are they?" I questioned, raising my finger up to point at a guy in a whole black and white bodysuit, and another guy that kinda looked like a magician. Shigaraki groans at my question, and it became quite clear that he didn't want to answer it.

"Hm." Kurogiri sighs. "Over there, that's Twice, the man in the bodysuit. And him, that is Mr. Compress." I could feel a bit more of my memory come back.

"T-Twice!" I shout, starting to fiddle with my fingers. "You're r-ranked #21!"

"Aw man, that low?" Twice slams his hand into his face.

"Mr. Compress!" I turned my attention over to him. Since regaining my memory, I realized that I had always been fascinated with his quirk, so honestly it was kind of an honor to meet him in person. "You're #18!"

"Just sit down." Shigaraki grabs my shoulder with four fingers and leads me to the chair. His touch was... so... strange. It was more gentle than I expected it to be. Usually I perceived him as being rough all the time...

He sat me down in the chair before returning to Kurogiri's side.

"How did you say this starts?" Shigaraki asks him, unsure. I was guessing that Kurogiri was the brains of the league, so he probably knew how to work the machines better than Shigaraki.

Kurogiri stretches his arm out, pushing Shigaraki to the side. He crouches down and flips a switch on the side.

I could feel something happening, but my body was preventing it from happening. Would this not work because my body is not used to having a quirk yet? Will my body even be able to take this? I tried to remember what Izuku told me after his training with All Might, since I KNEW that his body wouldn't be able to handle that much power all at once.

My body kept repelling the new energy. The villains tried turning the machines on and off, but nothing happened.

It didn't work.

"Damn it!" Shigaraki yells, releasing his arms from being crossed. "Did she do something? This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"Calm yourself, Tomura. I'm not sure what's happening... perhaps her body isn't made to hold quirks?" Kurogiri tries fiddling even more with the machine, hoping for something new to happen. Unfortunately, nothing did.

"Fucking-!" I was scared now. Shigaraki started losing his shit, since he expected something to actually happen. "This is all her fault, if we had taken her dumb litte friend then this machine would actually work!"

"Maybe the machine doesn't actually work at all-" I stopped myself. Why the fuck would you say that (Y/N)? You just messed things up even more!

Shigaraki turns his head to look at me over his shoulder, intense anger in his eyes. I shouldn't have said that.

"You are so useless." He replies.

"Ngh-!" I gasp, and try to swallow my tears. I clenched my teeth trying to make myself look stronger than I actually was, only to be completely showered in sadness and guilt.

"Tomura... I can try to repair the machines for you, this time I will make sure that they 100% work on Quirkless beings." Kurogiri walks over to him. "I need you to keep an eye on the girl for the next week. That's how long it should take."

"A week?" He responds, disgust in his voice. "Fine, whatever it takes." He brings his stare back over to me.

"I- I'm s-so sorry..." I manage to spit out, stuttering.

"..." There was an awkward silence between us. He takes a deep breath.

"Come with me. I have to talk to you." Shigaraki says, turning his back to me as he exits the cold and dark room. I look at Kurogiri.


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