Author's Note

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Hi everybody! I hope you enjoyed my story, and this is actually my first story that I have finished, which is super exciting! I had such a fun time with this one, and it really helped that I currently have an obsession with Shigaraki right now, along with Todoroki and Amajiki. Speaking of Amajiki, I'm actually starting a new story and he is basically a main character in it! I'm writing the first part of it right now, it's about one of my new OC's, Itami Mitsumeru, I'm so excited to show you guys!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading it this far! <3

** Edit **

Holy shit you guys. Thank you so much for the love on this story!! I never expected this story to get as many views as it did. It means a lot that you stuck around to hear all of the drama with Y/N and Shigaraki because.. yk..
Anyways thank you so much. I might try to write a new story (requested by a few) but it may not come out for a while because I'm currently doing college applications and trying reeeeaaalllyyy hard to thrive (as much as possible) in my senior year of highschool. Love you all <3

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