This Feeling ~ この気持

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"I'm..." I didn't really know how to respond. "My backstory isn't anything like that... as you already know. I just can't believe you went through all- that..."

"Believe me, I'm fine." I didn't believe that.

"Are you sure? You seem like the type to keep your emotions in and not tell anybody... correct me if I'm wrong but-" Shigaraki cut me off.

"It's been hard to. Nobody usually listens to me. I'm just the villain to most, some people forget I'm human. I pile my feelings up inside, but then I lose my shit if something doesn't go my way." I could understand him. I never really liked sharing my feelings with others, in fear of nobody listening or even caring about them.

"I get that. I feel the same way. But.." I took a deep breath. "If you ever need to... I'm always here. I'll listen to you whenever..." I was really afraid that I was being a little... weird... but whatever. I knew what I wanted now.

What I wanted was...


"What?" His eyes widened a bit. "You're willing to listen to me, is what you're saying, right?"

"Mhm!" I smiled at him, my heart pounding inside.

Should I do it? What will he say?

"(Y/N)." He snapped his fingers, trying to focus my attention again. "You're spacing out."

"Huh? Oh, right..." I turn my head back to him and run a few fingers through a section of my hair.

"What's been up with you lately? You're always losing focus... spacing out, even passing out."

"O-Oh...! It's nothing, really.." He gave me a look, showing me that he didn't buy what I was saying at all. I decided to do it.

"F-Fine. Shigaraki... have you ever felt something called love?"

"Love? Huh, I guess. Towards my family a long time ago..." I shook my head slightly.

"No, I mean- Towards a non-relative?" I felt my heartbeat increase and my face turn pink again, though I tried keeping it under control.

"Towards a non-relative..?" He took a small breath. "Yes. I have. Why?"

"Uhm..." I didn't know how I could show him that I- you know... "Isn't it a nice feeling?"

"Yeah, I guess, what's this about?"


"What. What do you want from me?" He looked super confused, and a bit annoyed. I guess this is where my social anxiety gets the best of me.

I looked up at him. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and lifted the hand off of his face. I stood on my tippy-toes, closed my eyes, and before I knew it..

My lips were on his. I couldn't control myself, I knew that this was what I had wanted.

He was startled at first, and I felt his muscles tighten. I finally let go, still inches away from his face. I never realized how- blood red his eyes were until I saw them up close.

"(Y/N)..!" He gasped. "What??"

"I-" I wrapped my arms around his neck, hooking my fingers behind him. "Uhm..." I looked at him, still in shock. Suddenly-

I realized that he had returned the action, and his muscles loosened again. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. I was actually very surprised, his lips didn't feel as crusty as I expected, though I wouldn't have cared either way. He finally let go.

"...!" My pupils widened.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

Kurogiri peeks his head through the door. "Tomura? (Y/N)?" Shigaraki and I both release each other and quickly clean ourselves up, making it look like nothing ever happened.

"Tomuraaa!!!!~" Toga sprints through the door, jumping up and down with joy. "I heard everything!!!!!" She brightly smiles in our faces. Shigaraki looked genuinely annoyed and disgusted, though I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hm?" Kurogiri questioned her.

"You didn't hear??"

"No, I did not. I do not spy on people like you do, Toga."

"Ughh~ Well!! Tomura likes (Y/N)!!! I'm pretty sure (Y/N) feels the same too!!~" She smiles in his face, resulting in Kurogiri backing up a few inches. Shigaraki looks down at me once more.

"Well, uhm. Do you?"

"O-Of course I do! I've realized over the week that I've been here that... villains aren't so bad after all..." I wrapped my arms around his chest.

"Ugh. This is like one of those cliché romance movies I always see on TV." I hear Dabi say from behind Toga.

"Ooh! Dabi, you watch those?? I had no idea that you were into romance!!~ How about we watch some later tonight?!" She turns around to look at him and laughs maniacally. "I know a really good one where the guy gets tortured physically and mentally!"

"...You're crazy."

"I know! :)" She smiles brightly at us. "Speaking of romance, what's gonna happen between (Y/N) and Tomura?" She comes around behind Shigaraki and I, and pushes us together, our shoulders now touching.

"(Y/N)." Shigaraki's eyes glance at me, I raise my eyebrows in response. "I still haven't answered your question yet."

"What question?" Kurogiri asks, confused.


"(Y/N) asked to join us."

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