The Mall ~ モール

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 We spent about 15 minutes walking to the mall in silence. I occasionally landed my glance on him, him doing the same. The walk was about 25 minutes, so I decided to start a conversation.

"So.." I was so nervous. Striking conversations with others is not really my strong suit, but I decided to give it a try so that it wouldn't be so awkward. "What's your family like?"

"Ngh-" His eyes widened, and didn't bother to give a response.

"O-Oh- I'm sorry... I.. I didn't mean to offend you.." Ugh! This is even more awkward now!

"Um..." I tried to think of more conversation starters. "D-Do you have any pets?"

"Mgh-!" I could see the terror on his face. "Will you shut it?" Was he that broken inside? I feel terrible now...

"I-.." I didn't know what I was supposed to say. I knew that if I tried to say anything else, it would turn out horribly. So I decided not to say anything at all.


We finally arrived at the mall, and we took off in different directions. Shigaraki really seemed like he had somewhere to be, so I let him do his thing. I knew that stopping him wasn't going to end well for me, and that he would be angry if I tried. Thankfully, I brought some money so that I could buy myself something if I wanted to.

I decided to walk to some of my favorite stores, since I had been to this mall many many times before. I always knew what stores were there and what they had. If I saw Shigaraki, I just want to make sure that I stay out of his way, just in case. I don't want to anger him.

I walked towards one of my favorite stores, and I was a little surprised to see tons of teenagers in the store. Hmm.. I wonder why they are all just.. Here, I guess? This is unusual, maybe they're UA students? I proceed to look around, realizing that everyone had taken what I always go to the store for.

"Damn it." I mumble to myself. I exit the store, unknowing of what I was about to see.

"Deku!" I heard a female voice shout. I noticed the voice coming from a brown haired girl, making her way down the balcony part of the mall. Deku... w-what?

I turned my head. Izuku!! Just as I was about to call out to him, I noticed something.. That I didn't want to see.

The brown haired girl had made her way down to Izuku, before kissing him right in front of me. Of course I had no idea who she was... but... that's the problem...

I thought I was irreplaceable... I thought... what's happening? Who is she? Why are they kissing? Are they together? Are they official? I haven't even been gone a week and he found a girlfriend... what if they were together before I got taken away? Did he just choose not to tell me? I would've been happy for him... how am I supposed to feel now? Am I just overreacting? What if he doesn't care about me anymore? Is that why nobody has tried to come save me yet?

I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I didn't want to look at them anymore. Without thinking, I ran down the balcony, trying not to get in anybody's way. I felt something stop me, so I looked up, my face bright red.

"S-" I couldn't even say his name.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Shigaraki's voice softly say. I saw him panic a little bit, and I felt terrible. He was probably doing really important shit, and I was just... crying in his face.

"A-Are you okay?" He seemed genuinely concerned, which wasn't really like him. I couldn't bring myself to answer his question, and in an attempt to try and calm me down, he kneeled down in front of me and ran two of his fingers through my hair. I brought my hand up to my face to wipe my tears away.

"What happened?" He asked, trying to keep his face covered since, you know, he's literally the Symbol of Terror.

I turned my head away from him, now facing Izuku and the brown haired girl. They had stopped kissing, but now they were only just holding hands. I looked back at Shigaraki, who had a surprised look on his face.

I didn't know what else to do.

(All of this is of course with four fingers only)

Without thinking, I had completely wrapped my arms around him, which had startled him a bit. I didn't care that he was a villain anymore. I needed reassurance, I needed comfort... I needed love...

"(Y/N)..." He was surprised, I could tell. "I..."

I felt myself crying more and more into his sweatshirt, which was actually really comforting. For being as skinny as he is, he was actually really good at hugging...

I felt him squeeze me a bit tighter than I already was.

"I'll be right back."

Useless Freak ~ Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now