Strange Mysterious Man ~ 奇妙な謎の男

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By this time, we had been laughing, joking with each other, and catching up for about thirty minutes now. We had been so distracted by each other that we hadn't been paying any attention to where we were walking.

    "Woah... where are we?" I let my eyes explore. It seemed like we had made our way into the dark area of our town.

    "(Y/N)... I think we should get out of here... I don't have a good feeling about this place..." Izuku tugged on the bottom of my shirt, trying to get me to go home and leave the area. This place was where a lot of criminals and occasional weak villains hung around, so I wasn't quite worried. It wasn't likely that we would run into a big famous villain, the worst that could happen is that someone would want to mug me.

    I spotted a small window in the cracks of the wall. What's this? I undid Izuku's fingers attaching himself to my shirt, and made my way over to the window. What I saw inside the window will traumatize me for life.

    "What the fu..." What. Was. That. "What is that..." I trailed off of my sentence. What I saw were big... birds.. With brains on the outside of their head...

    "W-What?" I heard Izuku stutter from behind me, he had moved closer since he didn't want to be left alone. I turned my head to look at him, only to see a dark, skinny, tall figure standing in the alleyway. The figure was hooded, wearing a black sweatshirt, black jeans, and red sneakers short enough to reveal his ankles.

    "What do you think you're doing?" The figure asked in a creepy tone. He was a man. His voice was almost like he had to cough something up his throat but he was holding it in or something, it was hard to describe. It was kinda scraggly, actually.

    "W-W-what?" My pupils widened. I was so scared. I was terrified. I was actually terrified. "I-I-Izuku..." I whispered. I turned my eyes to face him, to see that we had the same expression on our face. The expression of complete fear.

    "I asked, what do you think you're doing?" The figure started moving closer to us, forcing us to back up against the wall, leaving us nowhere to go.

    "W-We were just talking... and we ended up h-here!! We d-didn't mean any h-harm!!"

    "Stupid teenagers." He scoffed under his breath. The light of the moon was perfectly placed, just enough to be able to see the figure's piercing blood red eyes. His hair was extremely messy underneath his hood, landing over his face, kinda like very long bangs. The man noticed me studying him.

    "What are you looking at?" He shot his glance towards me, and slowly moved it over to Izuku. "Hey. Aren't you a UA student?" Izuku, out of pure terror, nodded his head. "Izuku Midoriya. Right?" How did this guy know so much about him?


    "Just as I thought." I noticed the man stick his hand into his back pocket. He walked over right next to Izuku, and pulled something out of his pocket and held it next to Izuku's arm.

"What are you doing??" I slapped the man's hand away, pushing Izuku to the side to protect him.

"Oh? What's this?" The man puts whatever he was holding back into his pocket. He grabs my sweatshirt with a few of his fingers, leaving his pinky finger untouched. I could sense him getting angrier.

"I was originally going to take your little friend here... but you seem like a much better option." He smirks. Damn. This guy is evil. "Kurogiri, let's go. I've found somebody."

"(Y/N)!!! No!!" Izuku screams. He activates his quirk recklessly, and flicks his finger, only for the man to block him.

"Do not resist. And do not fight back. I could kill you at any moment." A black and purple portal started to form around him.

"W-What's happening??" My heart started racing, and my breathing became uncontrollable.

"We'll tell you soon enough." The man managed to pick me up bridal style while still having his fingers tugging on my sweatshirt. I shot my eyes at Izuku, who had a terrified look on his face.

"Help!" I mouthed at him, not noticeable to the man at all. Izuku nodded, tilting his head and pointing his finger towards the direction we entered from, signalling that he was going to run to get help. I nodded in response.

"You won't get away with this!!" Izuku shouted before sprinting down the street. I was guessing that he was going to warn my mom, maybe even alert UA high school since they had a lot of pro heroes working there as staff members. I know I didn't go there personally, but it seemed like a good option. Before I knew it, I was being held by the mysterious man, going inside of a big purple portal. I felt my vision fade to black.

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