All For One ~ オールフォーワン

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Shigaraki explained everything. He explained the League of Villains, what they stand for, but something caught my attention more than everything else.

    His mentor.

    He explained how his name was All for One, how his quirk allowed him to steal other's quirks and use them as his own, how he was over 100 years old due to an aging quirk, etc. I would even say that this guy was the villain equivalent to All Might, the current #1 hero.

    I understood everything better. Honestly, I can now see how fucked up the hero society is. Shigaraki explained everyone's backstories in the League, everyone's except his own. Since he's the leader, I'm probably most interested in hearing about his own personal experiences, rather than just the members. But really, now it seems like the hero society is condoning abandonment.

    "Shigaraki? Kurogiri?" They both turned their attention towards me. "What quirk was I actually given though?"

    "Well, we told you this whole backstory for a reason." Kurogiri explained. Shigaraki's glance went from Kurogiri, slowly back to me. I looked at him in search of an answer. Shigaraki takes a deep breath.

    "We've given you the power of All for One, (Y/N)."

I was shocked.

    "Hold on, hold on. What do you mean given? Aren't these machines only used for testing quirks?" I was a little confused by Shigaraki's wording.

    "Right, right. I'll take-" Kurogiri was cut off by Shigaraki.

    "Keep it."

    "What?" Kurogiri and I say in unison. "What do you mean 'keep it'?"

    "I mean exactly what I said. (Y/N), thank you." Shigaraki walks out of the room. I was left confused, for multiple reasons. Why did he want me to keep All for One?

"(Y/N), calm down, Shigaraki has it as well." Dabi adds in from the corner of the room. Hold on, what??

    "Okay. You're telling me... Shigaraki has All for One too??" I was actually really surprised. Does that mean that me and Shigaraki have a quirk in common or...

    It still sounded weird to say that I had a quirk of my own now. Not to mention that it was All for One. A super powerful quirk. Maybe even the most powerful... I don't even know.

"Yeah. He does." I felt my cheeks burn up for a few seconds before returning to normal. I was still very confused, I didn't understand, I still wanted to know why Shigaraki wanted me to keep All for One.

    "Do you want to try it out?" Kurogiri walks over to me. I look at him, and nod my head aggressively. "Tomura, come here."

    "Hm?" He peeks his head through the door.

    "Let (Y/N) use her quirk on you." Hold on, what? Doesn't that mean... "(Y/N), before you worry about turning him Quirkless. If you take his Decay quirk, he can take it back with All for One."

    "Oh, I get it."

    "Just focus." Kurogiri walks away from us, giving us space. I've spent 15 years without a quirk, how was I supposed to do this?

    I focused my attention on taking his quirk. Not All for One, but Decay. I was a bit worried that I would accidentally take the wrong one, but I tried to shake the fear away because I knew it wouldn't help me.

    I felt my quirk activate. I repeated the words, take Decay, take Decay, in my head over and over again.

    "Mgh-" I felt Shigaraki groan and start to lose his balance a bit.

    "Huh?" I ran over to him and reached my hand out to touch him.

    "Don't touch me-" He looks up at me, a small smirk on his face. "I'm fine." He hands me a glass, touching it with all five fingers.

    "Holy shit..." I look down at my hands, and then grab the glass. Within seconds, the glass disintegrated into dust. "Oh my god...!!!"

    "Cool, isn't it? Now give me my quirk back." I felt a small tug on my body, before feeling more relaxed and empty. "Perfect."

    "This is insane... thank you so much!!" I jumped up to hug him, but quickly stopped myself. My face turned bright red, feeling hotter than usual. My heart beat started getting faster, but I felt... really happy because of it. I knew what I felt towards him now. I knew what was happening. I....


    "Hm?" He turned his head to look directly at me.

    "Let me join you guys."

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