Christian is an ass!!

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***Jennys POV***

" You like Justin?" Christian asked. I stopped Everything i did and payed my attention to him. Did he knew about my little crush i had on Justin? No,no he couldnt i havent told anybody except for Jasmine and Caitlin, but they are my Bestfriends and they are Girls, we do talk about crushes and girl stuff.

"No" i lied and gave him some pancakes "are You sure?" He Asked as he started to eat "why do You ask?" I crossed my arms "because You let him sleep with You last night" he said and looked worried

"So?" I said and fixed my hair. I heard someone running down stairs and it was Justin and Jasmine "Hey guys, good morning" Jasmine said and kissed Christian on the Cheek before She sat down. I heard Christian giggled.

"Eat quick, Jenny and i are going out in less than an hour" Christian said. I looked over to Justin he seemed pretty mad "i think im gonna Greet my fans today" Justin said and smiled while he was eating "and im gonna shop with Ryan and Caitlin" Jasmine said and smiled.

After an hour Justin and Jasmine left and i was out with Christian. We sat down and i bought a strawberry smoothie and So did Christian.

He sat down and looked at me, we had a great time, but then he started to talk bad about Justin, Which Made me so mad, because Justin is my friend and he is christian's friend too.

"I need to talk to you" he said and broke the silence "go a head" i said and smiled at him "i dont think You should hangout with Justin anymore" he said and looked serious "are You kidding or is this shit serious?" I Asked and took a little Sip of my smoothie.

"No, im all serious...i mean, he is Famous and he could break your heart for some other slutty girl"he said and looked at me "where are You going with this?" I Asked with anger. Why Does he care so much about my life?

"I just dont want to see You broken again" he said "this is all bullshit, its my Life and i can decide who to be with...your not my freaking boss" i yelled at him and Made the WHOLE Resturant stare at us. "What?! You never seen teenagers have an argument or what?!" I snapped at them and they all turned around and facing Their own buisness.

"Why are You so mad? Justin is an asshole!!"he yelled whispered. "You know who's and asshole? You, You are an Asshole" i stood up "why are You leaving me? Olivia is right You are a slutty bitch" he mumbled "what?! I never thought You would EVER Say that to me... How could you?!" I yelled and ran out of the Resturant.

I ran all the way Home untill i ran On someone who caught me. "Baby Whats wrong, why are You crying" i heard a familiar voice said and hugged me. I looked up and it was Justin, he was on his way out until he Found me.

"Christian is a jerk" i mumbled and hugged Justin harder "babe, you'll be ok, i swear. We can hangout together if You want to?" He Asked and kissed my head "alright"i whispered and Wiped away my tears.

We sat in Justins car and he drove Off to some place, i couldnt see anything since it was dark. We got Off the car and Justin grabbed my arm. We were at the beach and it was lights everywhere "this is beautiful" i said and looked around "not as Beautiful as you" he said and kissed my cheek. He KNOWS how to treat girls, not like christian, he just yells at me.

We both sat down and t was silence "Sorry for asking, but what did Christian do to You,babe?" He broke the silence, Aww i love it when he calls me a babe. "He called me a slutty bitch, and he told me to not hangout with You because..." I stopped myself and i could feel the tears "because what?" He said and grabbed me closer to him. "Because he says that You Will break my heart for another girl, since your famous" i whispered in tears.

"Baby, that Will never happend" he said and hugged me. I wish i could believe in that, but im not so sure, what if we Get together and then he just breaks my heart.

"Jenny??" He Asked and broke the silence "yeh?" I said nervously "what do You think of me? Be honest"he asked...DAMN Whats up with weird questions. "Uumm, i think your pretty nice, your goodlooking and uummm yeah" i said with a smile on my face "thats cute" he said and hugged me. "I think we Should go Home now, its Getting late" I said and looked at my watch, mom is gonna kill me.

"Yes, sure" Justin said and he started to drive, it was Awakwardly slince in the car. Justin stopped infront of my House "see yah" he said and kissed me gently "bye, babe" he said and winked to me "bye biebs" i said and Walked home.


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I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now