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****JENNY'S POV***

I decided to text Austin back, while Justin still was in the bathroom showering.

From: Jenny
To: Austin
Stop texting me, if Justin finds out he is personally gonna kill you, im not even kidding. please im doing this for your safety!

I clicked the send bottom and unlocked my Iphone and just by that Justin walked out of the bathroom wearing a basketball shorts and shirtless. "You ok?" He questioned looking at me. I nodded looking at him and throwing my phone away.

"Good, let's sleep. I have a long day tomorrow" He said pulling himself next to me on the bed

"Why? what is happening tomorrow?" i questioned pulling him closer to me.

"I'm going to rehearsal to my show about two days, i have to get up early" he said kissing my head.

"the whole day?" i questioned placing my head on his chest and the blanket over us

"Mhm" He mumbled "but im gonna make sure to spend the breaks with you. And im gonna drop you off to your dad so you don't get too bored" he said and stroke my hair

Just when he said that. I froze. I can't. Austin lives right next to dads and i don't want to see him again, not after all we went through while we were dating.

"No!" i spat

"what, why?" he questioned

"I-i- im fine, i'll see my dad another time." i said quickly

"You were just talking about how much you wanted to see your dad again back in Canada, are you ok?" he questioned

"im fine. I just don't want to go to dad, not tomorrow. I can go to the mall shopping or something, but not dad" i explained

"Fine, but you can't go alone"

"why not?" i whined

"because i say so..Kenny or Alfredo will have to go with you" he said

"but-" he cut me off

"no" he hissed "just sleep" everything went silence and i closed my eyes and finally slept

---Next morning---

I was sleeping until i heard so many noices making me open my eyes. I saw Justin, Alfredo, kenny and scooter talking to each other in our room, seriously? couldn't they just go downstairs instead of waking me up. Looking up, Justin was wearing a grey hoodie and he had the hood on and black pants with white supra shoes.

"No, dude you have to go with her, i dont want to loose her Or come home to hear some bad news 'cause i came here to be set free. She's not fucking going alone thats for sure!" Justin shouted against scooter and he threw a vase with flowers across the room, which made me jump out of bed.

"Dude, you're scaring her" Alfredo said and Justin turned around and noticed that i was out of bed.

He walked towards me and hugged me "Sorry i woke you up" He kissed my head. "get dressed, baby we have to go" he said pulling away from the hug. I nodded not saying anything

"you have 10 minutes" he winked at me

"10 minutes?!" my eyes widened "why didnt you wake me up earlier?!" I ran my fingers through my hair as i went to the closet picking out clothes

"because you were sleeping like an angel" he said

I took my PJ shorts off rushing, probably looking like an complete idiot. I grabbed Black ripped shorts and a white oversized hoodie

"Aye, get the fuck out of here this ain't no strip show for you all" Justin hissed at Scooter, Alfredo and kenny. And they did as told. They left

"You don't have to act like a dick to them" i said rolling my eyes

"Well, i dont want them watching my girl strip her clothes off. Thats a show for me to watch the body of my girl" he smirked, leaning in closer and kissing my neck.

"Justin.." i moaned

"baby, i wish i could be with you all day" he whispered in my ear and kissing a spot near my ear

"me too, but i really have to get dressed up now" i said pulling away.

"alright, i'll be waiting downstairs" He said smiling to me as he left.

I tokk on my clothes and did my make up. Fixing my hair, brushing my teeth. Ready to go.

I slowly walked down stairs watching Kenny, Scooter, Alfredo and Justin all looking at me "What?" i whispered looking at them as i walked the last steps on the stairs.

"You're mine" Justin said placing his hands on my waist as he kissed me slowly

"You guys can do that later, we have so many things to do today" Scooter hissed. And i slowly pulled away and we walked over to the car waiting for us outside the house. I sat with Justin in the backseat.

"We're gonna drop you and Alfredo off to the mall, and he will make sure you're not borred" Justin broke the silence..

"Alright" I said smiling

"If you need anything or if anything possibly happens, call me" he said

"But you're busy" I said looking at him

"i'd pick up the phone for you anytime" He said kissing my head. The car stopped infront of a huge mall

"Alright, i guess i'll see you soon" he said and gave me a peek on the cheek "take care" he mumbled

"Thanks...take care as well" i smiled as i got out of the car with Alfredo. I watched as the car drove away. And then Alfredo took on his hat and sunglasses

"Why do you wear sunglasses?" I questioned as we started to walk into the mall

"Because there are bieber-fans everywhere they will ask for pictures and stuff and i don't have time for that" he mumbled

"wow, ok" i mumbled "Anyways....SHOPPING TIME!" i shouted

"calm down, you're such a girl" He mumbled "I'll go get some coffee at starbucks and you can go buy whatever you want to. Call me when you're done and i'll meet you outside the mall" he smiled

"alright, see you soon" i smiled and walked towards Forever 21 They have so many nice clothes. I stepped inside and the woman who was working there gave me a smile. I smiled back and something caught my eye. It was a super beautiful dress.. it was baby pink-ish and i loved it. Justin is gonna be breath-taken if he sees me wearing it. I have to buy it.

I grabbed the dress and walked over to the dressing room. I tokk it on and looked myself in the mirror. Wow...i look beautiful.

"You look beautiful" i heard a voice say. I turned to my right and saw Austin....oh god...NO

"What are you doing here?" i hissed

"What? you haven't seen me in years and you don't even get happy....the fuck did bieber do to you?" He spat

"Of course im happy to see you's just....i don't know, it's weird" i said looking down on my feet

"weird?" he questioned with a chuckle

"Yes, weird" i said nodding

"So...who is the dress for?" he questioned looking at me "let me guess, you're buying it so bieber can see how beautiful you are am i right?" he questioned

"Alright, first of all don't call him Bieber, just say Justin, because that is his firstname if you already didn't know" I rolled my eyes "Now get out, i have to change back" i said looking at him deeply in the eyes. Damn he has a good way..WAIT what?? no jenny you have a boyfriend, stop!

"Alright, i'll be waiting outside" He said and left the dressing room leaving me alone. I sighed and changed my clothes to the ordinary clothes i was wearing before. I got out of the dressing room and saw that Austin sat on small couch looking at me from head to toe.

"Stop that" i mumbled and looked at him

"What?" he questioned

"Stop looking at me like that" i rolled my eyes, I took the dress and went to the checkout to pay for the dress.

"Why? i can't stare?" he questioned behind me

I payed for the dress "Just leave me alone" i mumbled and walked out of Forever 21 and he seemed to follow after me

"Wait..can we at least talk...we didn't even get the chance to talk about our breakup when you just left L.A some years back" he said standing infront of me

"Look...i have a boyfriend now and im so happy with him, i don't want you to come in and ruin everything for me" i explained

"i'm not trying to ruin a relationship, im just asking you if we could talk about the breakup" He said looking at me and licking his lips

"There's nothing to talk about. What we had was nothing, okay? is that your answer?" i spat looking at him and then realised i shouldn't have said that

"Was nothing, excuse me? You were so in love with me and it lasted so long that it even got to the point where we had sex and you call that Nothing?" he looked so mad, his eyes went from blue to darker blue

"i didn't mean it like that...i just- excuse me!" I said and pushing him aside and walking towards Starbucks.

"And just so you know....Justin is an asshole!" he shouted after me. The mention of justins name stopped me. I walked towards him and slapped him across his face

"You know nothing about him, you don't have to bring him up in every fucking situation!" I shouted and walked away and i could feel everyone's eyes burning on my body.

i spotted alfredo on starbucks and walked over to him sitting on the opppsite side of him "can we get out of here? please it's really important, i'll explain later" I said

"What? we just got here" he said taking his sunglasses of

"Just listen to me, i'd rather watch justin's reahersal" i said looking at him.

"Fine, if that's what you want" he said and we both got up walking out of the mall "i just have to call kenny and tell him to come and get us" he said and pulled out his phone. i nodded and looked around hoping i wouldn't meet anyone again

"you think you would just get out so fast, huh? this is not over" I heard Autins voice behind me and i turned around to face him "Im telling you the truth..justin is dangerous for you. I know his secret, i know that he kills people and i have proof. if you don't give me another chance to explain myself i will tell the whole world his little secret and the show'em  proof.." He said looking at me

"What? how did you find out?" i took a deep breath before i started talking again "I really have to go...we can talk about this another time soon, please dont ruin for it for me. please" i said leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek to calm him down

"alright, jenny enough...lets go" Alfredo grabbed my arm and leaving Austin all alone. I saw a black car driving towards us and i guess it was Kenny. I got in the car and Alfredo threw me a look. And kenny started to drive

"What the fuck were you doing out there?" he shouted

"He is an old friend" i explained

"You know...its funny because the paparazzis were there and if Justin finds the picture of you kissing a random dude on the cheek...he will kill you and don't expect me to protect you then, because i warned you" he shouted even louder and kenny probably didn't know what was happening

"I KISSED HIM SO HE WOULD SHUT UP!" i said so loud that probably his ears would've exploded "He said he had proof that Justin is a murder and that he kills people, he wanted to show the world that justin is a killer...what? you wanted me to say ok go a head and show the world I did it so he would stop, i did it for Justin's career" i cried out

"What?? how did that fucker know those things?" Alfredo asked

"How would i know? you just keep screaming at me like im nothing!" I said

"Well i didn't know you did it for a sorry" he calmed down "Stay away from that dude, he is dangerous if he knows what Justin does" He mumbled

"yeah...whatever" I mumbled and looked out of the window..





I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now