Worst date ever

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***Justins POV***

"Yooo! What the hell are You guys doing here" i heard a voice said and Jenny and I turned around to see who it was.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This is not good!

I looked at her and it looks like vanessa, she walked closer. It was Vanessa. Damn what the hell is she doing here. Looks like she has Been crying.

"Ohh, You broke up with me, just to date This slut?" She Asked as she pointed at Jenny.

"She is not a fucking slut" i shouted

"I have never seen her in normal pants. She's always wearing a shorts or ripped jeans is that why you're dating her or what?" She sat down next to me.

"Look, she is not a slut, ok? What are You doing here anyway?" I Asked

"I just wanted to know why You broke up with me" she said. I looked her in the eyes , i still like her a lot. I just love Jenny so freaking much.

"I love Jenny, thats why i broke up with You" i explained. I looked Back at Jenny and she was squeezing her wrist. I looked at her and she noticed that i was looking so she looked away. She looks so broken, lost and depressed.

"But she doesnt Even love You Back" vanessa said and cried.

"How do You know?" I Asked

"She never shows it" vanessa said

"Who said i Didn't love Justin? I really love and care about him" Jenny said and Didn't make an eyecontact with me or Vanessa

I smiled because Jenny is so beautiful. "Look This is a date for me and Jenny, we're supposed to be alone. Im sorry but You have to leave" i said

"I love You justin" vanessa whispered and kissed my lips. I gently pulled away. My lips belongs to Jenny

"This is a waste of time" Jenny said and started to walk away

"Wait, where are You going?" I Asked and ran after Jenny

She stopped and stared at me "im going home" she whispered and tears were streaming down her face. I placed my hand on her cheek "why?" I Asked

"You're kissing other girls infront of me, how do You think i Feel about it?" She shouted in my face and pushed me away

"I Didn't kiss her, she kissed me" i explained

"Justin, You cant keep breaking my Heart. I just cant do This anymore" she cried and pushed me once again

"Jenny, no please! I dont want to loose You again. What about the promises we just made, i love You Jenny. Please stay" i actually cried. I hugged her close. "Jenny please" i whispered in her ear.

She pulled away and it looks like she was just about to puke. "Oh my god, Justin..." she paused "my stomach hurts badly" she said. I Went down on my knees and kissed her belly. I stroke her stomach "you'll be alright i promise You, Babe" i said

"You guys are ridicilous" vanessa rolled her eyes and started to walk away "we'll talk later, Justin" she said and left.

I looked at Jenny, deeply into her eyes for a very long time. "What are You looking at?" She smiled

"You are beautiful" i whispered

"No im not" she smiled and looked away. We walked Back to the blanket and sat down

"Yes You are" i said and kissed her beautiful lips. There were 2 redbulls on the blanket "You want some?" I Asked

"Sure" she said and started to drink it.

"Justin im not really sure about having a kid" she whispered and rested her head on my chest

"Why not?" I Asked

"Im Just 17 and i'm not really ready being a mom" she whispered

"Jenny, i promise You that You'll be fine. Im here for You" i kissed her head.

"I dont know, Justin! This is my fault, its my fault that im pregnant" she cried in slient

"No its not, im the one who Didn't use protection" i said and stroke her hair

"I know that you'll end up leaving me, so im not so sure about This kid" she mumbled

"Im not gonna leave You, Jenny. You need me and i need You"

"What about your career, This is gonna lead You the wrong way, what about your fans. They're gonna hate me for making kids with You" she looked at me

"I dont care, i love You Jenny. I lose fans not my Beliebers, the true Beliebers are always with me. Of course There are people disliking the fact that we're dating, getting kids and so on, but There is also people who love us. Think positive" i kissed her cheek

"But what about me? I dont Feel like im a teenager anymore. I dont Feel like im still a kid. Now You cant tickle me or play with me. This sucks" she cried

I placed my hand on her ass and kissed her cheek "You're still my baby girl" i said

***Jennys POV***

I am so scared. What should i tell my mom, dad and Even my little brother and pattie. And oh my god Ryan he is gonna kill me

"What about the people?" I Asked, he stroke my ass

"The people?" He was confused

"You know, Mom, dad, Pattie, Jeremy....Ryan"i mumbled

"Why Ryan?" He Asked

"He is gonna find out anyway, he's gonna kill me"

"He's not gonna kill You, you're safe. You can Just tell your mom that we were just having fun together and then we ended up having sex, thats pretty normal" he said and giggled

"Mom's gonna freak out" i laughed

"Well how do You think my mom would react?" He Asked

"Your mom's not gonna freak out, because you're a boy. You're not thee one who has to walk around with the baby inside of You. I wish i was a boy" i laughed

"I like You more as a girl, haha! But thats life You know, You have to carry the baby inside of You" he said. I just nodded

"When should we tell them others?" I Asked

"When i'll come Back after the tour" he replied and kissed my head

"I think they'll notice that im pregnant Before that"

"You know what? You should come with me at the tour, i need to know that you're safe with me" he said

"Are You sure about that?" I Asked

"Jupp, i want You by my side all the time" he kissed my lips

"Hey! Justin!!" Someone shouted. Justin and i turned around and Vanessa, Ryan, Jasmine, Christian, Caitlin and chaz were standing There. Wow This must be the words date ever.


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Instagram: @FatinJarrari

I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now