The untold Story

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I drove in silents for a very long time, i felt guilt built inside of me, but a part of me was also pretty happy. Austin deserves this. I parked the car outside our house and then i got off. I walked inside the house and locked the door after me, I threw my shoes aside and walked upstairs, not wanting to make sounds, i didn't want to wake Jenny up.

i opened the door which leaded to the bedroom. I opened it spotting Jenny sitting on the bed with her knees up her face as tears were streaming down her face.

"baby, whats wrong?" I whispered walking to her as i sat down next to her hugging her tight

"Where were you?" She asked as she slowly pulled away and wiped away her tears,

"i just needed some time for myself" i sighed as i felt guilt inside of me, i can't tell her the truth, she will never forgive me.

"You scared me, i thought Austin killed you. You could've told me that you were going" She said

"I'm so sorry, baby" i said hugging her, i have to protect her, she has to feel safe. She is mine and all mine.

"Justin" She whispered as she pulled away from the hug

"mhmm" i mumbled as i cuddled under the blanket

"i don't know anymore" She paused "I mean...i don't know about life anymore. Everytime everything is fine, something has to come and ruin it for us...You know i met Austin on the street some years back. I was so sick of everything and everyone, i was suicidal" She paused as more tears were streaming down her face

"jenny, you don't have to tell me thi-"

"No, hear me out" She interrupted "I saw a huge truck driving and i stepped out on the road, I wanted to die. I still want to, the truck was so close, so close" She repeated as she placed her hands inches from her face, to show me how close the truck was "And then he came, Austin pushed me off the road. That's how i met him, He saved my life. But at the same time he ruined my life, I mean...he saved my life from the truck, but he ruined my life because he let me be alive. And thats the biggest mistake he's ever done. I never wanted to be alive. But you" she pointed at me

"You make things worth living, you make me smile and when you are miles away, the depression takes over me and it goes all over again, the feeling of wanting to die and that im never good enough. I love you Justin, you make life worth living in so many ways" She said as she leaned in kissing my lips.

I never ever thought that my girlfriend felt this way, she never told me these things. I've noticed that she has always stories to tell at night, thats when she is being honest and that's when she speaks out the truth.

"Jenny, why didn't you tell me?" I whispered and i felt all emotional, i felt like i was about to cry. Man up, Justin!

"Because i don't want you to feel sorry for me...and i was scared that you would get another opinon of me, and i didn't want that to happen, because i need you. I wish you knew how i felt when we were just friends, i wanted to tell you all my feelings, but i couldn't  because i thought you were just going to walk away, like everyone else did. I was always rejected and life is hell of a bitch" She mumbled

"Jenny...i don't know what to say" I was all speechless

"You don't have to say anything...i'm just gonna leave it that way" She mumbled as she cuddled up beside me under the blankets

I looked at her for a long time, what can i do to make her feel better, I always make things worse for her. And if she finds out what i did today she will definitly walk away and leave me all lonely. I feel the same way as she does, Everything gets into me and i even get to the point where i don't know why i am alive. I know how she feels and it hurts.

"Sleep, you need some rest" She whined as she dragged me down next to her "I love you so much, Justin" She whispered as she kissed my lips. She kissed me like she never did before, it was filled with passion and love. I kissed back and grabbed her by her waist closer to my body.

" I love you too. More than you could ever imagine." I whispered

She rolled up under me, she placed her hands under my shirt, up my abs as she kissed lips. I pulled away and started kissing her neck.  And BAM a loud noice interrupted us from downstairs.

Jenny Looked at me and then she held my hand tight. "Wait here" I said as i got off the bed

"No, i want to come with you" She whispered as she got up as well and placed her hands around my arm 

"fine, just don't let go of me" i said as we slowly walked down stairs and the first thing my eye caught was him. Austin.

I felt anger built up inside of me, my veins getting clearer, i clenched my jaw and fists as i slowly walked towards him, feeling jennys arm holding me tighter than ever.

"I know what you did to my mom, and your end is near. I'm sick of you! I've done everything to try to make you drop dead, but nothing has ever worked, But now that you killed my mom, i'm gonna fucking murder you and make you suffer!" Austin shouted

"you what!?" Jenny shouted as she let go of my arm and she slowly walked backwards.

"I didnt, he is lying!" I lied looking at her

she shook her head and looked at me "How do i know that you are talking the truth?" She asked 

"Because i'm your boyfriend, why don't you trust me, i didn't lay a hand on his mom, i swear" I lied again, but hoping she'd belive me

"Save your lies to an asshole!" Austin shouted "you killed her, who else would've i have no enemies in this town except for you at the moment. Don't you get it?" He added looking at me

He looked at Jenny and then back at me "I've made your girl suffer back in Canada, i made Ryan rape her, i made her believe that Luke was her bestfriend and then Jacob. But everything failed. But this time, i'm gonna kill you Just to make her die inside" he pointed at me

"Wait....Ryan, Luke and Jacob worked for you?" Jenny whispered as she started to walk towards us again

"yeah, they do. I met Ryan at a club that day when Justin had sex with a girl at the club, when he cheated on you, remember?" he smirked

Jenny rolled her eyes "Just keep talking, i still remember" She hissed

"Well yeah, i knew that Justin was dating you, because i was watching the news and the pop star Justin Bieber was everywhere. And i saw pictures of you and Justin everywhere. And then i saw him fucking another girl at a club. I wanted to make him suffer because i still loved you Jenny, but you never took one minute to realise that i'm the right one, you moved on so fast, from that day Ryan started to work for me. He didn't want to, but i pay him a lot of cash" He smirked

I was in shock, he was behind it all...If this bastard never came in, everything would've been normal and Jenny would trust more people, she would still have her trust on Luke and Ryan and everbody, but Austin ruined it all.- I can't believe. This is the end, He told me everything, i got the answers to my questiones.But at the same time...nothing makes sense

"Hands up, bieber. Say goodbye to the world. Because this is your end, you should've thought twice about killing my mom, bastard!" He said as he held up a gun in my direction

"NOO, please" i heard Jenny shouted.



ALSO MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM AT: @FatinJarrari im so close to 20k


I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now