I told him how i feel

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Jennys POV

i Made my way Home and opened the door, i took Off my Shoes and turned on the light "where have You been?" My mom stood infront of me with her arms crossed "i've Been going out with Justin" i said quick

"Why are You so late? Do You realize that he is Famous and could break your heart anytime" She yelled "can You guys stop!!" I yelled back "stop what?" She Asked like She didnt do anything. "You and Christian, are telling me who to be with, this is my freaking life! I want to be with Justin, There is nothing You can do about it" i yelled and started to walk upstairs

"But he is Famous"She said. I stopped and turned around "so? He is still a normal person like You and i" i And ran up to my room

This has Been Such a stressful day. So i guess its time to sleep. I stripped Off my clothes and took on my pyjamas. I cuddled under my blanket and closed my eyes.

***********NEXT MORNING*******

I woke up because of a lot of noise downstairs. I put my white Ripped shorts and a black singlet and did my makeup, and then i ran downstairs and I Saw Ryan, Chaz, Caitlin, Cristian, Jasmine and Justin Sitting in the livingroom "Goodmorning Jen" they all said.

"What are You guys doing here?" I Asked and stood infront of them all. "We wanted to talk to you" Christian said and looked at me. I was still mad at him so i looked away. I started to Get nervous, what did they wanted to talk about? I sat down and they all looked worried.

"Your mom got fired from her job, and She searched for a new Job, so She Found a Job in Australia and She moved There with Jason Last night" Justin said and looked at my reaction. Why didnt She tell me.... "So im gonna live alone?" I Asked and almost started to cry.

"Dont worry, we'll come and visit you, besides your mom is Coming back about a year" Jasmine said and gave me a hug. "A year? A WHOLE freaking year?!" I shouted "everythings gon' be alright, dont worry babe" Justin said and kissed me. As long as i've got him i feel like everything is gonna be fine.

"Lets go and eat some breakfast" Christian shouted and everybody stood up and i didnt understand anything "wanna come with us?" Justin Asked and reached his hand "sure" i said and grabbed his hand. We sat down the car and went into My favourite place and its called Waynes Coffe. I sat down next to Chaz and Justin. I was drinking hot Choclate and eating some waffles.

"You look fine eating like a pig" Chaz mumbled and giggled "sorry, im hungry" i said and laughed "i think She is perfect" Justin said while playing with my hair. I Saw Christian rolled his eyes. Why was he so negative? Why didnt he respect justin, i mean he is his friend they SHOULD Get along.

"Can i talk to you, alone" i Asked as i looked at Christian "uuuu, love is in the air" Ryan said and everyone else laughed, but Justin he was just Sitting There probably wondering what i was going to tell Christian "sure" Christian said.

I grabbed him into a corner "what is wrong with you?!" I whispered "Whats wrong with me?"he repeated looking like an idiot. I rolled my eyes and hit his chest "oww" he said and touched

His chest

"Why dont You just support Justin?" I Asked "look, i dont like the fact that he is playing with ur feelings" he said quick "well he isnt" i said and started to walk away. He grabbed my arm "fine, im sorry" he said and hugged me., he pulled away and we both Walked back to our table, where the rest of my friends were.

"Did You guys use protection?" Ryan giggled "shut up" i said and rolled my eyes.

After an hour we were done eating and Now i was just chilling at Home all alone. I decided to call my mom.

**phone conversation**


Jen: Hey mom! Why didnt u tell me anything about ur job?

Mom: im Sorry hun, ill be back in a year, just make sure to not do anything stupid, i really have to go now, sweetie.

Jenny: alright, bye! Take care

**End of phone conversation**

I was Sitting in the couch and watching a romantic movie, i was wearing a pink pijamas shorts and a black V neck t-shirt. Suddenly Somebody knocked on my door "ughhh!" I yelled and Walked towards the door. I opened it and Justin was standing There with a rose in his hand. He was wearing some black pants and a white t-shirt with some yellow Supra shoes.

"Hey, babe" he said and handed me the rose "awww, this is so cute" i said and smelled the rose. I gave him a hug and i let him come in and he tok of his shoes.

"Is Christian here?" He Asked "no, why?" I Asked and looked at him as we Walked in to the livingroom "i was just wondering what You guys were talking about at waynes coffe?" He Asked and we both sat down. I put the rose on the table and Faced Justin.

"I was just asking Him why he was acting like an ass" i said and looked at him "i dont know why, but he tells me to Stay away from you, and i dont understand why. Because he's your friend, and you are such a nice person"i said and looked at Justins Choclate brown eyes. I love them.

"Just dont listen to him" Justin said seriously. I looked down and thought about what mom and Christian said about justin, maybe They are right?

"Are You ok?" He Asked and tried to Get an eye contact with me, i nodded and looked away "dont lie, Whats wrong baby?" He Asked and hugged me "its nothing, i swear" i said and gave him a fake smile.

-Justins POV-

I could See that something was bothering her, but She didnt want to tell me, i pulled her closer and gave her a gentle kiss. She pulled away and didnt Even looked at me "jen, tell me Whats wrong?" I Asked her and touched her cheek gently. She looked at me with tears in her eyes "Jenny" i whispered and hugged her.

"Honestly?" She Asked, i nodded and waited for the answer. "Before my mom left Yesterday She told me to stay away from you, because She said that You could break my heart for another girl and Christian said exactly the same thing since you are famous and stuff... and i feel like they are right....because You keep kissing me, flirting with me, You make me feel loved and protected, but still we are 'just' friends and thats what bothers me the most. You said You would never play with my feelings, but then You keep kissing me and didnt Even talk to me for a WHOLE fucking month. And i can never forget that, Justin....never" She said while her tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Wow She is right! I felt so angry and why did i do this to her. She probably hates me right Now.

-Jennys POV-

I finally told him how i was feeling, i really hope that he understands what he is doing to me.

"Jenny, I-i" he shook his head "this night was suppose to be Perfect, i never knew that i did all Those THings to You, but i have a question for you....Will You be m-" my phone interrupted him. I looked at the screen and it was Ryan.

**Phone Conversation **

Jen: hello?

Ryan: Hi, i tried to call Justin but he didnt pick up the phone, is he with you?

Jen: Yes he is, why?

Ryan: ohh Sorry if i interrupted You guys, were You guys doing some buisness

Jen: ewww, hell no

Ryan: ohhh, anyway come and hangout at my place! And bring Justin with you,

Jen: alright, cya!


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I fell in love with my bestfriend (Justin Bieber, Love story)Where stories live. Discover now